
XP: sea bands for m/s?

I figured I'd post over here too in case other future twin moms have/had a similar problem. ?I'm so miserable and just want to enjoy this PG!

Has anyone tried this? ?Did they work for you? ?Should they be worn all day or just part of the day? ?Should I take them off at night?I just sent DH out to Walgreens to get me some as a last resort because the past 2 days, my ALL DAY m/s has gotten progressively worse. ?It seems I've tried everything else...eating frequently, eating bland foods, eating cold foods, popsicles, ginger ale, sprite - with virtually no relief. ?I've really only vomited once - but all day I fee like I'm on the verge of it - especially if I like bend over or something.Any other suggestions? ?I'm totally miserable and dreading going back to work tomorrow!?


Re: XP: sea bands for m/s?

  • Girl, can I just say, you might be in for a ride!! I remember being in your shoes at 7 weeks ... and here I am, 15 weeks and still fight the urge to puke after every meal (and doing plenty of it, too).

    Seabands didn't do the trick for me, but my acupuncturist actually thought they were overstimulating me because they gave me headaches. However, I definitely think they are worth a try. Just read the instructions carefully to make sure you place them correctly. I'd take them off at night, but wear them all day.

    Also, have you tried the Unisom/B6 combo? I'm doing that along with Zofran, it's the only thing that helps me keep food down (at least most of the time). Best of luck to you!

  • I haven't tried anything else yet. ?We got to RE for an u/s on Wednesday and I'm going to ask for some help. ?I really want to avoid taking any Rx drugs, but I was reading about B6 possibly being helpful. ?As long as it's something I can just swallow and now have to chew or drink I should be ok.?

    I'm starting to get concerned about the lack of nutrients I'm getting. ?I'm really trying very hard to eat like peanut butter and stuff like that for some type of protein...but YUCK!?

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  • I totally remember the super ick morning sickness.. I vomited at least once a day for weeks! 

    The sea bands either helped or at least they had a placebo effect on me, I was scared to take them off once they were on if I was feeling well because I was sure it would make me sick, haha.  I also used preggie pop drops, they're just little suckers that are sour that you keep in your mouth, I am pretty sure there's not medicine in them, just sucking helps and the sour is somehow good too.  The only other thing that helped me was ginger beer.

    None of this kept me from throwing up but at least I didn't feel AS bad all the time.

    You will get through it though... promise!

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  • They were a godsend for me when I was pg with my son, but did nothing for me this time. I definitely think it is worth a shot. I wore them all day long, but took them off at night. I did have to work up to wearing them all day though. They are pretty tight and the little plastic things do dig in and start to hurt after a while. I would take them off when they got uncomfortable and put them back on after a couple of hours. Eventually I got to where I could wear them all the time during the day. I think it was a combo of them stretching out a little and me getting used to them.
    Kimberly, DH Monte, Angel baby 10/06, Angel twin 7/07, Rhett Kaden, our IVF miracle, born 3/23/08, Mason Robert & Wyatt David, our FET miracles, born 8/2/09 at 36 weeks, 3 days
    Our Blog

  • I am sorry to say that they didn't work for me.  The only thing that helped me was zofran.


  • I was trying to avoid Rx too, but nothing but Zofran has helped. I took B6 as suggested by my OB and it made things much worse (I vomited continuously after taking them) Things like pretzels and saltines also made me vomit, so just eat whatever you can. The calories are just as important as the protein, so if you can't keep down protein, make sure you're eating something you can keep down. I still can't touch fish, red meat or eggs, so I try to get chicken in when I can, drink a ton of milk (30-40oz per day) and eat other foods with protein that I can tolerate. It's rough, I totally feel for you.
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