What's expressed breastmilk supposed to look like after being at room temp for a few hours? I pumped at 5 a.m. and was just about to pump some more and add to the bottles (and then use them at the next feeding which should be soon) but the milk looks sort of cloudy, like it's separated, and I think it smells a little "off." Is this normal or has it gone bad already? It's only been at room temp for less than 6 hours and I know it's supposed to be good for up to 8 hrs at room temp. We do keep the room the boys (and the breastpump and bottles) are in fairly warm so I wonder if it's going bad sooner than the 8 hrs. What is considered "room temp" anyway? Isn't it like 68 or so? In here it's more like 72-73.
fraternal twin boys born january 2009
Re: How can you tell if EBM's gone bad?