
Need advice!!!

My 10 month old wont sleep through the night.  He wakes up every 2-4 hours a night for a bottle.  I try to feed him alot through out the day, and limit his naps.  I've tried letting him "cry it out" but after two hours of listening to him ... I gave up and gave him a bottle.  I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and so tired!!


Re: Need advice!!!

  • I've read that limiting naps doesn't always work, because than the baby gets overtired and has a restless sleep.   A friend of mine watered down the bottles so they were less appealing during the night.  Thinking....what did I do???,....... I think I went in after 5 minutes and comforted her and then left.  I kept doing that until she got the hint that a bottle wasn't coming.   Good luck! 
  • DD nursed every 3 hours around the clock until she was 12 months old.  She still nursed 1-2x a night until 26 months when I had to night wean her.  I've got nothing.  I don't really believe in cry it out for us so I just did what I could to get through every night and drank lots of coffee in the morning.  (I suppose you might not be able to do that while pg though.)  Is he teething or getting sick?
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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  • Have you tried offering him a bottle of water instead of formula?  I've read that they'll resist that at first, but after a few times they'll realize water isn't as exciting/tasty and isn't worth getting up for.  We used the Sleep Lady method with DD when she was younger, but I've never been able to just let her cry in the middle of the night and wonder where we were, so I just tried to keep the night feedings as boring as possible and eventually she outgrew them.  Hang in there!
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