
Heart Warming Experience

DH and I are in sunny, beautiful FL for the weekend and there was an art show we decided to walk through this morning. There was this one vendor with some amazing art (funky, colorful clocks, cabinets, shelves, etc( that they create using all antique pieces from around the country.?

We saw this one piece that we really loved for putting into a nursery (baby's first piece of art - it's probably too expensive for a nursery but so be it) - anyway, we see that parts that were used to make it come from where I grew up in the midwest.

The artist comes over and greets us and we told her that we might put it in a nursery. She asked when we were due, I told her we were expecting through adoption. She immediately got teary. 18 years ago she adopted her first of two children. She shared her amazing, beautiful story about how the day they received the call that they had a BM for them and then the baby's birth date was the same date of her mother's death - which for her was a spiritual connection - 'meant to be' kind of moment.?

Anyway, ?we shared hugs, tears, greetings, we talked about the differences between adoptions of 'then' vs' today' ... it was fabulous. The piece of art is going to have a little tin heart added to the inside of it (it's a funky cabinet) to represent our future child's adoption.

The price of the art no longer matters, it has the most beautiful story to go along with it between the pieces used to create it being from where I grew up and the adoption connection. ?


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