Yes! As you know she just all of a sudden decided to start peeing on the toilet last Sat. night. She's been wearing nothing but panties since Monday and we've had one accident and she was standing right in front of the toilet-- just didn't get them down in time. She insists on wearing them to bed and stays dry all night and goes when she wakes up. And she's pooped on it with no problem. We've even been able to leave home and have her use restrooms at the store. She's so freakin' proud of herself and so am I.
Re: AW: A is completely potty trained !
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Yay A!
Good job mama!
both of you should be proud! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a feeling I will never get M trained and she wont be able to go to 3 yr old preschool!
Thanks everyone. I'm so mad I stressed out for nothing.
Krisbri-- she'll do it I'm sure. I thought the same thing.
Chrisy-- that's great! I still can't believe she's 2.