
Help. How to make a smooth moving transition for DS?

He is 20 months old. We are moving to a new town. We are keeping him in the same daycare since it is close to where I work. My parents are keeping him the weekend that move. I plan to have his room ready when he gets home. Other ideas? Tia!
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Re: Help. How to make a smooth moving transition for DS?

  • We moved when DS was about the same age, similar situation as you, new town, but same daycare.

    He honestly didn't have too hard of a transition.  I made sure his toys and room were set up before my parents brought him over, so he saw that his stuff was there.

  • We just moved with our 2 yr old DS.  We got this book for him about a month before the move and I think it really helped him to understand what was going on.
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  • Sounds like you have it well covered.  the only other thing I would do is talk to DS about the move a couple of weeks before it happens every day.  He may not seem to get it, but it won't be a surprise when it happens.  We moved when DS was about this age, he will adapt well, don't worry!

    GL with the move.

    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • He honestly probably won't even notice. 

    At 24 months, we had planned on slowly moving Noah to his big boy room.  Once he saw it, he no longer cared about his baby room.  I don't even think he remembers now that it was ever his room.   We worry about these things WAY more than they do.

  • DS had a much easier time with our cross-country move than we did. He would occasionally look at me and say, "I want to go home," but otherwise he did fine. And we had to change everything including daycare.

    I think you're doing everything you can and he'll really be fine. Just talk to him about it if he seems upset. I used to just tell him it was okay to miss our other house and our friends to help him through when he would say something, but within a few weeks he didn't even mention "home" any more.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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