
Feeding gear you recommend

I am going to be nursing and formula supplemting our new twins for at least a couple of months.  The lactation consultant told me that my old bottles aren't safe because they may not be BPA free.  So I guess I am going to need to buy all new bottles, storage containers, etc. 

 What "gear" do you recommend for bottle feeding?  Anna is already latching well at the breast, but then tries to latch onto her bottle and of course that Medela nipple doesn't help.  Do you use Avent or other?

 What "gear" do you recommend for milk storage?  Should I use bags? Storage containers? liners or none?


What other "can't live without" things do you recommend such as warmers, sterilizers, etc?

Re: Feeding gear you recommend

  • We tried a million different types of bottles, and the only ones that my girls liked were the Gerber clearview bottles.  around $3 for 3 of them and BPA free, so they are great bottles to try.

    I never had enough milk to store for longer than just until the next feeding, so I just pumped right into the clearview bottles.

    We never had the warmers or sterilizers.

  • I used the Medela milk storage bags, they were easy to just set in a bowl of warm water to thaw or warm up.

    I used Dr Browns bottles, they are a pain to wash but work the best for gas and bubbles. 

    I loved my Avent bottle sterilizer, it was easier to use then running the dishwasher  all the time. I would wash the bottles by hand after each feeding and sterilize them one a day or once every other day. You just put them in the sterilizer and microwave it for 2 minutes. 

    I used the slow flow nipple at first because I had preemies that had a hard time with too much milk flow, then over the months we worked up to faster flows.


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