
2.5yr old CIO for months now

We've been letting Brooke cry it out and bedtime for months.  She's always been an awesome sleeper and used to just walk to bed when we said it was bedtime.  Actually still even still will sometimes, but will cry when we leave the room.

We recently converted her crib to a full bed.  She loves it.  Hasn't made any difference in the crying though.  I konw there is nothing wrong with her.  Now that she has the big bed, she wants us to sleep with her, actually asks us to.

I'm starting to think she's crying every night because she's used to it.  Thinks she's "supposed" to.  Especially after tonight.  I walked to the door, watched her start crying and roll towards the wall.  She stopped crying in less than 2 minutes.  Seriously, what is up with that?!

Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image

Re: 2.5yr old CIO for months now

  • If you have to do it for months on end, it's not working for her. I don't like CIO but you have to admit it works, but there are kids it does not work for.

    But now I read your post again and it says she cried for 2 minutes--is that how long she's crying every night? Is it a full out cry? What if you just sit on the side of her bed for 5 minutes? 

  • 2 minutes isn't really CIO.
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  • If my good sleeper cries at bedtime, I know something is really wrong.  Now that she's verbal, I get her to tell me what the problem is. . . although it sometimes takes a while, we always get it figured out. 

    If I had a child who was always tough to put to sleep, 2 minutes of crying wouldn't seem like a big deal. . . but a kid who has always been a good/happy sleeper, any crying makes me wonder.

    With my DD it's usually something that she's afraid of and a simple change (leaving the door open a crack, for example) fixes everything.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • See, that's just it, if we're right there with her, she's absolutely fine.  It's just when we go to leave that she starts to cry.  If we go back to talk to her and ask her what's wrong, she says nothing because well, she's stopped crying because we're back!

    It's useless for us to stay with her because regarless how little or how long we stay she'll just cry when we leave.  And yes, it's two minutes or less that she is crying, so maybe it's not cry it out, but then what is it?  I don't understand her.  If I can't get her to tell me what's wrong, if anything, how am I supposed to fix it?

    Jesse - mommy of Brooke 6/15/06 and Taylor 9/1/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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