the puking and the pooping...ugh! first oliver had a blowout when i brought him in from daycare. then linus had one in the playroom. then miles did. so we bathed them all, brought them downstairs to eat...and oliver puked everywhere. yogurt coming up is NOT pretty. and then he pooped his pants.
sigh...please make it END!
thank you.
Re: Oh god, make it STOP!
Oh man! All 3 at once? That S.U.C.K.S! Sorry.
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
Yeah, we had that right before Christmas... it is SO SO SO AWFUL. And i hate to tell you, it lasts forever. The puking stopped relatively fast here but the pooooop omg. I['m so sorry you're boys are suffering with it. Hope you don't get it!
Someone on my blog suggested using Lactaid instead of regular milk for awhile and it was GENIUS!! It totally stopped the diarhea.
i think my husband already did! or they got it from him. hmmm.....
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Ugh, yeah it's horrible. We all had it...not fun. I think they both would go through at least 7 different clothing changes a day 'cause they were just blowing through all their pants. Totally gross.
I ended up doing 1/2 clear pedialite with 1/2 milk. For some reason milk was the only liquid they would drink and I figured any liquid is better than none. Also, the triple paste is the best...they got horrible diaper rashes and that stuff was a miracle.
If it's the same thing we all had, it seems to be really contagious...people seem to get it about a day after being exposed to it so be careful about that. I don't even know what it was but it was not fun. Hang in there!