
Update from doctor...bad news...kind of long...XP from 3rd tri

I posted on 3rd tri, but many of you ladies have been so helpful recently.  I just wanted to update you as well.

Just got back from the doctor's office.  This was a follow-up to my appt. last week about the severe IUGR I have.  Basically things have gone from bad to worse.  The baby isn't growing, amniotic fluid is very low, the placenta is just getting worse and there is now reverse blood flow going to the baby.  We were given basically two choices:

1. Try to take the baby out now by c-section.  The baby is less than 400 grams, so her chances of survival are around 0% and IF somehow she could survive there is about a 90% chance that she will have some sort of disability or retardation.  The c-section would also have to be classical, which means that they will cut into my uterus vertically.  No VBACs for future pregnancies and any future kids would need to come out around 36 weeks.

2. Wait and see what happens.  But, they said she will probably die inside me within 48-72 hours because of the reverse blood flow causing a strain on the heart.  I have another u/s scheduled for Thursday.

We are going with option two (at least for now, they said I could always change my mind), because both cases seem to have about a 0% chance.  This is one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.  It seems almost like there is (slightly) more hope with the second one.  At least it is in God's hands and nature will take its course.

My Blog: Heather Ann, born still on Jan. 26, 2009 at 27w2d. <a href="

Re: Update from doctor...bad news...kind of long...XP from 3rd tri

  • I'm really sorry.  I've been thinking about you all day hoping for better news.

    I sent you an email.

  • I'm so sorry you are in this situation -  I wish you the best.
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  • Oh my goodness, I am so sorry.  I will pray for you and your little one. {hugs}
  • I'm so sorry. There can always be hope right? I will praying for a miracle for you and your baby.
  • I am so sorry for you.  I will be praying for you and your family.  My two weren't IUGR, but they were born at 25w5d by classical c-section.  They were both a little above 700 grams so they were obviouslly bigger, but I was told there was not really much of a chance they would survive before they were born, but here I am with 2 15 month old healthy babies.  Yes we bet the odds, but I wanted you to also have a success story and as dark as things are for you right now, have some faith.  I hope that things will work out as easily as possible and know that we are here for support during this scary time.  Please let us know how you u/s goes on Thursday.
  • Ok the good news is you and your doctor are on top of what is going on. I will keep you and the baby in my prayers.? Try to rest and stay stress free.? Please let me know if I can help you in any way.?
  • I am so sorry.

    You and only you can ultimately make this decision, but it seems like you are leaning in the right direction. ?Nature will do what is right and God will guide you through whatever path nature decided to take. ?You are doing everything you can possibly do. ?Good luck and rest, rest, rest!?

    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
  • oh my. ?i am so very sorry that you are going through this. ?the growth scan could be wrong and she could weigh more, but since you wouldn't know until she comes out you can't count on that. ?keep the faith and keep praying. ?i'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. ?miracles do happen, and i hope one happens for you. ?
  • I'm so very sorry. Have faith. You are in my thoughts & prayers.
  • I am so sorry. ?You are in my prayers. Miracles do happen, and I'll be thinking of you.
  • I am so sorry, you will be in my prayers.
  • Ugh, I am so very very sorry.  I just want to come over and give you a big hug!

    This is the hardest thing to have to go through.  I remember having to make these exact same decisions, with the added complication that Baby A (that's Cameron) had no complications at all and by forcing him to be delivered early in order to save his twin who was having IUGR we were subjecting him to all the same dangers that he otherwise would not have had to deal with.  But we did wait to see if there was full reversal of blood flow and we caught it because my Peri was monitoring me very closely in the hospital.  I was admitted for 24 hour monitoring 9 days before we delivered watching the reversal of blood flow getting worse and worse until one day (after a horrible night of anxiety driven by nurses who couldn't get an IV in properly after 5 tries) the peri saw the reversal of blood flow.  The great thing about our decision is that we made it the extra 9 days, and every day in the belly is three days less NICU time, or so they say.  And they got my babies out in under 30 minutes.

    Additionally, my cesarean started out as a traditional horizontal cut but Baby B (that's Evan, my IUGR baby) was so wedged up under my left ribs that they had to turn the incision into an inverted T to reach and pull him out.  I too can't get pregnant until they are two years old in order to give my body time to heal, and would be on immediate bed rest and will have to deliver early with no chance of future VBAC around 36 weeks.  Needless to say, the risks are great enough to make me not want to go through another pregnancy.

    Having been through your exact same situation, plus twins I think you are absolutely making the right decision.  My recommendation for you at this point would be to ask if you can be admitted right now for 24 hour monitoring!!!  This way they can do the doplar u/s more frequently watching for full reversal of blood flow and other signs of distress, have you preped up on an IV at all times for quick surgery preperation, and get a tour of the NICU asap so that you will at least know what to expect and know where your baby will be going.  There is still a good chance you will make it as far as I did. I would also advise you to get the book Preemies: The Guide for Parents of Premature Babies. It will be vital reference for you in the coming days.

     Keep your chin up Mommy.  You're doing a great job.  Feel free to email me at Taylo2Babies @ gmail .com   I will be waiting on pins and needles to hear how you are doing.


  • I am so sorry you are facing such a heart wrenching decision. I just cannot imagine.

    My ds was in the nicu and they were taking babies at 22w5days

    so they would not take them if they didn't have a chance.

    There is always hope the scan was wrong. and you know what? God is BIG and he can do ANYTHING. Put your faith and trust in him.

    God bless you. I will be praying for you guys.

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  • I am so sorry.  That is all hard news to take in.  Why are they waiting until Thursday to do an u/s?  My roomate at the hospital had a similar situation to you but it was twins and they were sharing the placenta, and one was a whole pound smaller than her sister and she was also getting the reverse flow.  They are both fine, and the smaller baby was actually doing better. right away.  I am hoping they did measurements wrong and the baby is bigger than they think.  *Keeping you in my thoughts.* (HUGS)
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  • I couldn't imagine having to make such a tough decision.  In my case the decision was made for me since I developed severe pre-eclampsia and they had no choice but to take the baby.  My son was born at 24w4d weighing 410 grams and dropped to 390 shortly after birth.  I've heard that the weight measurements can be wrong so there's still hope and success stories for babies born that small.  You and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. 
  • I am so very sorry that you are going through this right now... I am praying for you and your family..
  • I'm so sorry.  I will be praying for a miracle for you.


    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • I am so sorry! I hope your baby makes it

  • I'm so sorry for your news. Our babies almost came at 22 weeks and we were terrified. I was on bedrest for 14 weeks and they came at 29w4d. Prayers kept them in longer and now they are healthy and happy 5 month olds :)

    You are in my prayers.

  • You will be in my prayers. I could not imagine having to make that decision. I hope that everything works out for the best.
  • I am so sorry :( I will keep you in my thoughts and pray that the doctors are wrong and that she will be okay :)
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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  • I am sorry to hear this.  I'll be praying for you and the baby.
  • I am so sorry to hear this. I will say a special prayer for you, your dh and your dd.
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  • I dont know if you will get this reply or not but think positive! My son was born at exactly 26 weeks. He was intubated for almost 3 full months. He was 2lbs 3oz at birth and he is now 19 months old and doing fantastic. I also had a classical c-section with him. 26 weeks is very very early but there is always hope. A girlfriend of mine also had her son at 26 weeks and he is 3 now. He went through a lot and still is with physical therapy for walking and some slower learning, but you would never know he was preemie.

    Good Luck with you and your little one. I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. But just know if you decided to go ahead and deliver that doesnt mean the baby will not survive, and it doesnt mean the baby will have any sort of disability or retardation- though it is a possibility its not a definite for sure will happen. Keep your chin up and good luck!

  • I am so very sorry. 
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