
I have something I want to share

Check page 2 where mrsterry paged me (sorry, I don't know how to do link in post)! She made me FULLY cry at my desk last night because she made me realise how I must come across on this board (about my DD).

Anyone who knows me, go check it out.

Re: I have something I want to share

  • I saw that... and I have to agree with her.

    You are a good mom & are way too hard on yourself.  And Abigail is the cutest EVER. 

  • If it makes you feel better, I also feel like I have one of the most difficult children on earth (actually, I really do) and people have told me the same thing before.
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  • I agree! ?xoxo


    and after all--our girls are twins from another mother so I know exactly what you mean!!! ? ;)?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • I read it and it made me tear up (in a good way) and I don't even know you! :-)
  • I'm glad you are realizing that you are a good mother.  I have to admit, I always felt worse about myself when I read your posts.  I couldn't help but think "Boy, if she is a bad mom, I must be the worst mom ever!"  We all have tough times.  You're doing a great job!
  • Aww hon. I too think you are too hard on your self. I haven't noticed that you complain more than anyone else.

    I know sometimes motherhood can be hard but I think Abby is just perfect and I think you sound like a great mother.

  • ((hugs)) You are a good mom. Nothing you ever posted made me doubt that fact.
  • I always thought that you are a good mom and cute too.  don't be hard on yourself.

  • I posted some things last weekend where DD was getting on my last nerve & I thought I was cracking up. I have also been posting about Operation Abigail the last few days. If any of you have read these, you'll know what I'm talking about!

    Thanks for the support ladies. I so love this board.

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