
I had a bad day

Everyone else seems to be having a rough time so I thougt I'd share in hopes it will make me feel better.

I went first thing and had my 6 month cleaning at the dentist, followed by a filling and a wisdom tooth being pulled. Not fun, major gagger. But I survived!

Came home decided to come home and rest, left girls at daycare (daycare is a SAHM) Felt half way decent all day, went to girls and got told that her DH was transfered to Ft. Collins and they are probably going to move.

She was my 3rd sitter in 15 months. The 3rd and that doesn't count the  first lady that I fired before we even started with her. I am SO sick of looking for daycare. It's a freakin' catch 22 I can't afford a daycare facility because it would cost $2000 a month, that is how much I make in a month. But I can't afford to not work becuase I hold the health insurance. We have to have health insurance. I have one asmatic husband and 2 fifteen month olds.

Then I got home and opened the gas bill. $260. They are saying they didn't bill me last month, even though I paid them and I got a bill. Now I have to do with that.

Then I got a call from my sister. The one who is 15 and pregnant. Locked herself out and she wants me to drive 30 minutes to come and get her. Um....NO. Where is Mom? Your boyfriend? Your friends? Someone has to be available. (someone who didn't have a tooth pulled today and two small kids) Well she's not talking to the boyfriend. Of course not. Whatever not my problem today I have enough problems of my own.

What a craptacular day.

Re: I had a bad day

  • Ugh!  Sorry your day has been in the toilet.  I understand about the childcare thing.  We are struggling with what to do ourselves.

    I hope your day gets better!

  • Hope today is 100X better. Having to call and complain about bills, for some reason, just really drives me insance. Can't imagine having to do it with a pulled tooth. ((Hugs))
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  • BLAH!!! Yuck day girl! I reeeeaally hope today is better for you.

    Your sister is 15 and pregnant? Why do I feel I don't know this??? I hope she's living with your mom.

  • I hope you're having a better day today!
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