
So excited about this weekend!

DS's favorite things in life are Monster Trucks.  He sleeps with them, watches them every day and knows all the names of the trucks and most of the drivers.

Sat is the Monster Jam at Ford Field and we have had tickets for months.  DH just picked up the pit passes so we are taking him ahead of time with some friends to meet the drivers and see the trucks up close.  Then later, it's the Jam man!

I am so excited to see his little face when he sees the trucks (the objects of his dreams) in person!  I cannot wait!  This is what being a mom is all about!  Seeing his little dreams come true!

Re: So excited about this weekend!

  • OMG! Everytime Preston sees that commercial on t.v. he flips out! I thought about taking him (but with all the noise and the smoke), but opted for the Auto Show & Greek Town instead (he even likes the car displayed at the malls). I know he will like the Auto Show too. Maybe the next time the Monster Trucks are in town, we will go. Have a wonderful time!
  • Sounds fun, you'll have a great time! 
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  • DH has ear thingies for when he (DH) goes shooting at the range that fit DS pretty good so we will be taking those for DS. Other than that, he'll be okay for one night I think. Hell if he can survive the IL's smoking this will be  a breeze! LOL  Kidding, we protect him from their smoke!
  • No, I didn't mean my comment to sound negative. I think it's great that you guys are going. Like I said, I know Preston would love it too. My dad works for GM and was able to get us free tickets to the Auto Show, otherwise, we would definitely be going to the Monster Trucks.

    Have a GREAT time! You will have to take lots of pictures.

  • Oh, I didn't take what you said as negative at all.  I just wanted you to know we thought about the noise too and let you know what we were doing so in case you do go next year, maybe you can try those head thingies. 

    I didn't take your response that way at all.  It's nice to see another MI nestie who is sort of close to us!

  • Okay, good. Ya, you will have to let me know how he liked it, because I would for sure take Preston the next time around. I think he would even like the Motorcross, but probably the Monster Trucks better. Too bad we don't know each other, we could have made it a

  • Hey, we can always GTG for something else.  DS loves trucks, cars, anything with a motor!  He's just like his father!  I'll let you know Sunday how it went and how he liked it.

    We are like 13 rows from the track, so I'm making a huge Grave Digger sign. We've seen on the ones on TV that the drivers sometimes give their helmets to kids that make signs near the track. How great would that be for DS? I'm pretty sure this isn't a phase, he goes nuts about those trucks! 

  • Where were you this morning when I posted about toddler fixations? I posted that Preston is completely and totally obsessed with cars. He still calls trucks, motorcycles (anything that looks like a car) is still a car in his mind. Like your ds, anything that has wheels, he is amazed by. Dh has a 63 corvette that he gets so excited about when it's uncovered in the summer. It's ridiculous at times. His favorite word is car and I have had to start making up words to normal bedtime songs, because he insists I use the word car in

    Your right, we can get together another time. Sounds good to me. What is your e-mail address so that we can keep in touch (if you want).

    That would be AWESOME if he got a helment. Hey, it's worth a try, right?

  • DH has a classic car too and a Harley motorcycle, so DS is obsessed with cars, car parts, car shows.  DH got a best little friend in him.

     Sure, email me at  DH has a cousin in Fenton, so we go out there once in awhile!

  • cool! Your in my address book now, so I'll e-mail you tomorrow.

    What kind of classic car does your DH have? DH has always wanted a Harley We are actually more towards Hartland. Right off of US23 and Clyde (which is the exit after M59/Higland road). We are right down from Spicer's Orchard (if you have ever heard of it). My girlfriend's sister lives out in Madison Heights area, but I've only been there a few times.

  • We were just in Highland last weekend for a funeral!

    DH has a 67 Chevy II. I am not a car person so I'm glad DS will be his little buddy for car shows and stuff.  I will go, but I can't spend hours at them like DH can!  It's crazy!!!

  • OOps you said Hartland, Highland road, not Highland, the city. 
  • Highland is right next to Hartland. My parents live in Milford, which is right next to (am I making sense). I'm not much of a car show person myself. Hey, if all of us every go together, you and I will head over to the beer tent and the boys can walk around (they do have beer tents at those things, don't they)
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