
Hard to distinguish between BH and movement?

Does anyone else think it's hard to distinguish Braxton Hicks from baby movement?  I'm having a lot of tightening and I'm struggling to tell what it's coming from.  I've been pregnant before so I know what a BH feels like--it's just hard when they say "your belly will be tight like a basketball" and my belly is always tight because it's filled with two babies.  Any tricks?

Re: Hard to distinguish between BH and movement?

  • No tricks, I just wanted to say I feel the same way!
  • sometimes I was confused between a baby pushing hard in one spot or a BH!
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  • I will usually try and push on my lower abdomen and if it not a little bit squishy then I know I am having a contraction. It should also work at the top of your belly if the babies are head down.
  • I sometimes know because my BH definitely start in my very low abdomen and move progressively upward until everything is tight.  At other times I'm not sure.  The nurse last week asked if I was feeling anything as I went to lay down for her to hear HBs.  I said well it's always hard so no it didn't feel different to me then.  One of my babies is breach and one transverse both have their heads together so I just don't know.


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