
Did you have a fetal echocardiogram done?

My MFM told me to schedule one after my Level II ultrasound. When I mentioned it to my OB he thought this was odd.  He said this is usually only done for women over 40yrs old or for those who showed something wrong with the heart on the ultrasound.  At the Level II they said everything looked great with the chambers that they could see.  I'm just wondering if this is normal practice with multiples.

Re: Did you have a fetal echocardiogram done?

  • I had one with the new baby- not with the twins.

    When the twins were born early at 34 weeks and they were in the NICU they heard a heart murmur in both of them. Heart murmurs are really common in preemies b/c their arteries or whatnot haven't had a chance to stretch out and they are still kinked...either way at our NICU each baby got a echocardiogram and Nathan's showed that he has a bicuspid aortic valve which is a congenital heart defect. Because Nathan has a congenital heart defect that means any children that we have has a 5% chance of having a heart defect so that is why with this baby we had the fetal echo done so that if he did have a heart problem we would make sure and have a cardiology team present at his birth.

    Good luck and feel free to page me with any questions and I'll try and help you the best I can if you do end up having it done :)

  • I didn't have one done.  You should call your MFM and ask.  It may be something he has all of his patients do.  I would call and ask.
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  • I didn't have one either. I would think that isn't a standard procedure. Definitely call for clarification before proceeding.
  • My sister had one done because her level 2 ultrasound showed a heart abnormality.  This is not normal practice with multiples, even if you are advanced maternal age.  Definitely call your peri to find out why.   Good luck!
  • I didn't have one and they were watching my kids like a hawk!
  • It is not common practice for multiples. i did have one done, only because i was born with a congenital heart defect tetrology of fallot. My sister had one done when she was preg, with her single baby, only due to my history.

    if you do have to have it done, it feels like any other ultra sound, except they are just looking at the babies hearts.  

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