
I'm being annoying today -- another question. This time about birthday party food.

We're having Law's birthday party next Saturday.  It's from 4-6pm.  H thinks we should provide dinner.  I agree that we should have something fairly substantial as far as food.

So, what do we serve?  Is a meat/cheese tray sufficient?  Heavy hors d'oeuvres?image  Pizza?  Chilli?  I don't want to spend a ton, but I want to give our guests enough.

If it makes any difference, it's a "choo choo" themed party and there will be both kids and adults there. 

Also -- would you provide beer?

Re: I'm being annoying today -- another question. This time about birthday party food.

  • I'd do pizza and salad.  I would also have some beer and wine on hand.  Parties never end when they are supposed to, so I would with your time frame.
  • I would do a baked ziti/lasagna type of thing.  And I would definitely provide beer.  My family expects a lot of food (i would have a cheese/pepporoni tray, garlic bread, salad as well) and expects booze at my house.  I would be hard pressed to get them to leave at 6...but that is a different story.

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  • Chili and cornbread

    Sloppy Joes


    They all sound good.

    Beer - we always have some sort of alcohol at our parties (kid or adult party, it doesn't matter)

  • beer only if budget one is going to miss beer at a kids party from skip if you don't want to pay for it or worry about someone getting out of hand (aka your BIL)

    All the ideas for food sound good...just make it easy enough that you won't be stuck re-filling trays or making more stuff.


  • Ours is going to be around the same timeframe and I think we'll have a ton of crappy snack foods and some pizza!  Yes, beer as well!
    Liam is 5!
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  • Do you have a Little Caesars near by?  They don't deliver but sell both cheese and pepperoni pizza for $5.55 for a large.  Just get a bunch of those.
  • I'd do beer and pizza.  Cheap and easy and very few people won't like it!
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  • I agree with pizza, it's cheap and filling.  We did the $5 pizzas from Pizza Hut for DS's birthday and it wasn't $$ at all.  If you can afford it or want to have it, beer and/or wine would be nice also, but not necessary.



  • Lila's 1st birthday was from 3:30-5.  We had it catered, but we did salad, a burrito tray with cut up burritos, grilled cheese for the kids, several different snack mixes, cookies and cake.

    I say yes on the beer.

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