
Is there something wrong?

So my boys will be 8 weeks on monday and doing great, i'm just having a little worry. See Jaxon is able to look at me, copy things i do, follow objects, even mock me. Mason however... im a little worried about. I know that they are different people, but when i try talking to him he never looks at me, he'll look to the side and then ill try to move over to his line of sight and he'll look up. It's like he can't or doesn't want to concentrate on me. Then as far as following things i cant get him to look over when i make a noise in the opposite direction he's looking or to follow me or an object. he can look at me when he wants to, but i never really see him follow things moving? could there be something wrong, or is he just maybe a little behind. i just hope nothing is wrong.

Re: Is there something wrong?

  • You're just getting your first taste of being a MoM which means constantly comparing your children to each other...they will develop differently--sometimes one will be able to do something the other one can't and vice versa.  It's so hard not to use the one that reaches a milestone first as the baseline but remember they are two different children--if you had only one you woudn't even think about it!  By the way, I have to remind myself of my own advice almost daily...easier said than done:)
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  • I agree with barker2B, as hard as it is, you have to try not to compare between the two of them reaching milestones.  It is hard not to because they have the same parents, same environment, same birthdays - you expect them to reach milestones at the same time...but try to remember they are unique little people with their own personalities AND there is a huge scale for normal when they are this young (like months difference still puts them in the average range)! 
  • I only have one, so I don't (yet) know about the comparing thing, but the pp makes sense.  I guess you could ask yourself- if you only had Mason, and he was acting this way, would you be worried?  If you only worry in comparison to Jaxon, you might be able to relax.  If you would be worried even without Jaxon, you can always ask your pedi.  Even just having a pedi reassure you is worth the phone call- but I am sure he's fine!  GL!
  • I would talk to your ped about it, but I do think it seems normal. My Jaxon used to do that (and on occassion still does). I freaked out and asked our OT if he had onset signs of autism...she said NO..that it's normal still.

    Ask to reassure yourself. But it "sounds" normal to me.?

  • It is totally normal.  And remember that it can be overstimulating for the first few months for a baby to look at you.  If you are worried at all let the dr know and they can reassure you.  And I have had to stop DH from comparing the kids all the time.  DS crawled a long time before DD but DD would sit and play with toys on her own.  And now DD is starting to walk before DS.  There is a WIDE range of normal so one may just fall at the beginning of that range and the other the end.  Not a problem :)
  • My two have always been months apart as far as hitting milestones, but are both perfect and within the  "normal" range.

    DS rolled and crawled months before, walked months before, says words months before.

    I wouldn't be too worried.

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