Hi Ladies! I'm not a mom of a preemie or full term baby yet but there is a chance our little one will be born around the 35/36 week mark so I have questions. (I'm on bed rest for incompetent cervix and was told by my doctor today that I'm 100% effaced and baby's head is right at my cerclage. She will want to take the stitch out if I have more than 4 BH in an hour so there is a chance I'll be having this baby a bit earlier than planned.)
What sort of things should I expect from a preterm baby born at 35 or 36 weeks? Should I expect NICU time? Is it possible that the baby won't need NICU time? My doctor told me that she thinks the baby will be able to go home with me if I deliver after I've hit the 35 week mark, but I wanted to hear some stories from people that have been there. Oh and I have had the steroid shots at 24 weeks.
DH and I are praying that baby stays in and cooks a bit longer and we are trusting God to do that. However, I still felt the need to reach out to you all and see what you could tell me and hopefully put my mind at ease.
Thanks in advance! And I have to say I'm in awe of you all. I've read some of your posts and I know that it takes a ton of strength and character to face all the challenges you are going through!
Re: Question About Babies Born at 35 and/or 36 weeks
Thanks so much mrshenderson081807! That's really good to hear! I only have a few more days to go until I hit 35 weeks so that will really help me breath easy and stay relaxed.
Your little one is so cute, BTW!
My DS was born at 35w6d. He had trouble breathing at birth and had to be sent up to the NICU, he was on a cpap machine for a couple days until his breathing problems worked themselves out. After that he wasn't able to leave because he had basically no suck reflex and wasn't able to eat very well. He spent a total of 10 days there.
Now he's doing wonderfully, he's actually huge for his age (17lbs at 3 months) and has no lasting problems from being pre-term. Also, we didn't have any warning that he was going to be early, so no steroid shots. I would imagine that would make a huge difference.
My DS was born at 35 weeks 3 days, I also had the steroid shots. We had extra support in the delivery room - none was needed. He came out breathing and crying, and was set on my belly right away (they prepared me they'd take him if there was a problem).
DS had no NICU time, and spent one extra night at the hospital to be under the bilirubin light for jaundice (I was discharged but got to stay as a "boarding parent"). We returned to the clinic every 2-3 days for two weeks for a weight-check and jaundice check.
DS was 6 pounds and 18 inches long, about 5# 10oz when he came home; he's never had any health problems.
Our only minor issue - he failed the car seat check. He rode in a "car bed" until our due date, then passed with flying colors. I'd never heard of a car bed before. Our hospital tests all babies born before 36 weeks or with low birth weight.
Our DD was born at 35 w 4d due to IUGR. I got the steroid shots at 27 weeks and was on bed rest from that point. DD weighed 4 lbs 3 oz and was 16.5" long. She had no lung issues, was breathing on her own immediately. She did go to the NICU, and had a 6-day stay, though, basically she was jsut a feeder-grower (her suck reflex was awful, nursing was difficult). She had trouble regulating her body temp and blood sugar due to her small size, and she developed jaundice (she got quite bruised during the C-section, as the doc had to really grab her to get her out...she tried to climb up higher into me!!) so she spent a couple of days under the bili lights. She came home at 3 lbs 15 oz.
Best of luck to you!!!
I had a super scary experience and almost hesitate to post my story when people ask bc it is so rare but I then think that I wished I had known of something like this so I could have been more prepared. So... sorry in advance to frighten you.
I have a 36? 37? weeker. My OB feels I was 37 weeks according to ultra sounds but the ped said DS showed definate signs of being only 36 weeks and therefore misdated. I was induced because I was swelling severely (10 lbs of water weight in 2 days!) and because I was "term" I was not given steroids. Since you have had them, I doubt any of my experience will be yours. My DS came out grunting, was wisked away, put on oxygen, diagnosed with respiratory distress, moved to cpap, then a ventilator, and finally an ocillator. He was on life support for 12 days (he was heavily sedated for most of it and even medically paralyzed for some of it) and came home after 17 days. He is now doing amazing and is healthy and huge!
I truely hope you have a great labor and delivery and will pray for your little one.