So we are giving my DD oatmeal in her bottles for reflux. She has had a little bit of spitting up here and there, but tonight was a different story. I turned my back for one second while she was in her bouncy seat & when I turned back around she had thrown up & it went across the room. Now I know its known to happen, but I really thought that adding the oatmeal into her bottles was supposed to help keep it down. . . What gives??
Re: Through the air....
Ruby did that once. I'll never forget the sound it made... The oatmeal will probably help a little, but won't stop spitting up. If it's making matters worse, I wouldn't continue it. I think it's more important that they keep their food down for the calories to grow etc, but that's just me. You have to do what you think is best!
As mom's of babies who've had reflux, I think we'd try anything!
I totally agree that its better for them to keep the formula down rather than worry about the oatmeal. Last night was teh first time she did this so I'm going to see how today goes.I burp her constantly, the bottle is given slowly, etc. so we will see if its something she continues. If so I'm going to stop the oatmeal till we see our pedi next week.
We also don't have the arching and screaming. What she normally does is pull herself in tight (almost as if she has gas) and she grunts a ton. Then once the reflux is in full effect it takes her breath away & until she gets it under control she can't relax herself. Its something I've never seen before (I'm a L&D nurse who sometimes helps in our nursery at work. We only deal w/ full term healthy babies though) Everyday is a learning experience thats for sure!