
Help with 16 month old DD!

DD used to spit up A LOT when she was little. She took Reglan for awhile, but it didn't do much to help her. ?Then, the spitting up slowed down a great deal and stopped?completely?at 13 months. ?The last 2 weeks, though, she's been spitting up multiple times a day. ?It doesn't seem to bother her--she'll be walking around, spit up, then keep going. ?This might be TMI, but sometimes she'll burp and I can smell the spit-up although nothing comes out of her mouth. ?Most of the time I have to change her clothes or clean the carpet! ?She definitely not sick or gagging herself...and I can't figure out what's going on! ?Anyone have experience with this?
L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage

Re: Help with 16 month old DD!

  • Has she eaten anything new/different?  I'm not sure, but it could be an allergy.  It also could just be from eating too much, too quickly, or too much liquid.  Maybe just put in a call to your pedi...
  • does she happen to have a bit of a cold?  DS does this once in awhile.  It's not really throw up, definitely spit up still.  I asked the pedi and she said it could be from extra drainage.  Sometimes he does it to when he is well though, seems like if he's running around a lot or drinks to much juice to fast or something.
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