So, we're being brave (or stupid, I don't know...) and having C's first birthday party in a few weeks. We had thought about waiting until April and having a coming home party, but decided we really wanted to celebrate her birthday.
Anyway, I really want everyone who comes in to use hand sanitizer and was thinking of putting a cute sign on the door as a reminder. Our theme is Winter One-derland and C is our "snow princess" so I was trying to think if something with that theme.
On the other hand, should I forget about the sign and just tell people as they come in? The party is at our house so Robbie or I will probably be answering the door.
What do you guys think?
Re: Help with hand sanitizer wording
I think a sign is great because they may forget or you may not be the ones to answer the door every time. You can also make sure you designate one or two friends attending to remind people as they see them too.
You could always use a pic fo C on the sign and say "Please wash your hands before touching mine." I'll try to think of something cuter than that...
Could you make a cutsie winterish sign for the bottle and call it "magic ice" or something way cuter than that but you get the idea.. and as people come in, tell them that every needs to a dose of magic?
My Blog
Ooh! That's really cute!
I like the magic ice. Very cute.
Awhile back I was joking on my blog about signs for the stroller. You could use one of them:
Are you Purell'in? With a picture Purell.
I have Purell and I'm not afraid to squirt it. Make it kind of Western type sign
Or you could just have a sign that says: Please help us keep the birthday girl healthy and use hand sanitizer often.
What's the theme of your party? You could come up with something cute to go with the theme, decorate the bottles and put them all over the place. Perhaps you could make it a bit of a party game - have a bell or something and then every time the bell goes off people need to find the bottle and use it. You could have small prizes or something and the first person who finds the bottle and shouts Purell (or something) wins a prize. Oh! Each winner could win a small bottle of lotion
Honestly- its not worth it for a note on the door. Hand sanitizer only works right before you were to pick up the baby. At a party, she is going to be playing on the ground etc. If you have your guests scattered around the house, they are going to be touching door knobs, toilet seat handles, countertops, etc and pick up even more germs.
I would just set out hand sanitzer everywhere with a note on the bottle as a reminder.
I'm sure your family knows by now as well.
Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.