So, as many of you know from my million posts. I was not happy with our original pedi. He was the one that blew off all of my concerns regarding S and his motor delay's and head tilt. We are now in PT, and have recently qualified for EI so will be doing PT and some other services from them as well. When the boys were 6 weeks old I went to the pedi with my concerns regarding S and his head tilt, see the pic's below. He told me that there was nothing to be concerned about. I went back again and told him I wanted to do some stretches could he please show me. He said he could, but "there was no use because his torticollis is mild and I will only anger him". Well, I continued to push the issue and ended up being referred to a pedi opthamologist, who WAS concerned about the head tilt and he is the one that eventually helped us to get to PT. After that I switched pedi's. I have just now gotten around to transferring records, and the original pedi's office called and wants to know if there was something they could have done differnetly. Of course, I want to tell the, but then again, I just want to be done with this. I am VERY angry and not sure it is worth getting myself all worked up over. Every time I have to drive to PT or see him with his head tilted it pis*ses me off that the pedi wouldn't listen to me. Maybe he would not have these gross motor delays and other issues if we would have treated this from the beginning. Instead he blew me off and treated me like I was a crazy mom--all along I was right. I just know that I will get all worked up, but then again, he should know, right?
What would you do. And please, does it really look all that mild to you? Poor little guy.
Re: Need advice, would you tell the pedi the truth?
I think I would tell them the truth. If not, they will never learn.
Although I completely understand you wanting to just be done with all of it and move on!
100% tell them. You might want to write down everything you want to say, before you call to make sure you are able to tell them everything on your mind. If you don't have the nerves to say it over the phone, then at the very least write a letter. They need to know!