When MrTerry comes home he has suggested we get a room for a night. That means I will need to pump enough milk for him. Problem is that he nurses around the clock and I need to figure out some time to get this done. I don't even know how much for each feeding. He also still nurses once (maybe twice during the night).
Ugh! I have two weeks to build a one day supply.
Re: How many oz of BM does your 8mo intake?
I'd just pump right after he nurses in the morning & freeze it in 2 ounce increments, thaw as needed. That way you can build up slowly & not waste any later - then you also have backup if it's not all used.
DS takes about 8-12oz between 8am - 6pm with 2 solids feedings in there. Beyond that I don't know but he's still up 2-3x a night nursing as well.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13