
Fruit Question

Iwhat fruits does your 13 to 18 month old eat? I feel like my son only eats peaches, pears, mandarin oranges, and kiwi. What else can i give him and how do I prepare it?

Re: Fruit Question

  • it's harder in the winter cuz there aren't yummy melons in season which are a great soft choice.  my ds loved blueberries, grapes, strawberries etc at that age.  grapes need to be quartered to avoid chock hazard and blueberries should be halved.  In the winter i buy frozen berries and mix them into yogurt (defrosted) or into warm oatmeal (still frozen and the hot oatmeal melts them)


    ds also loves mango which is soft and banana.  mango is part of the tree nut family so avoid it if ds has an allergy.

  • apples, bananas, mango, melon.

    Also grapes, blueberries etc.  DD doesn't like the skins on these fruits though so she doesn't eat them very often.

    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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  • bananas, apples, strawberries, grapes, mango, papaya, kiwi, mango, and blueberries.
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