
Massachusetts Twins?

Hello- Are there any mom groups for multiples in MA? I would be interested in going to a meeting

Re: Massachusetts Twins?

  • You can google it- but I image there are lots of groups! MA has one of the highest rates of twin births Smile

    Where abouts in MA are you? Not that I'm anywhere near, I have family who live in Tynsboro and southern NH.

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  • I moved out of MA before I had my girls. But where is MA are you? Just curious. I grew up in western MA then lived on the Cape for 5 years
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  • I'm 12w6d pg with twins.  I live in Boston and would be interested in a group.  You can reach me at if I'm anywhere close to you.
  • Depending on where you are, there is a mom's of multiple group in the nashoba valley.  Their site is
  • I live in Walpole, so if you find one let me know. 
  • I'm in western ma!
  • imagechocolatechip06:
    I'm 12w6d pg with twins.  I live in Boston and would be interested in a group.  You can reach me at if I'm anywhere close to you.

    I am in Lynn but work downtown. I am just a few weeks ahead of you!

  • I live in So NH but work in Lawrence Ma. There are groups in Ma. Just google it and look for your local chapter.


  • Yes, I'm a member of the West Suburban MoMs group here (i think it covers from like groton to waltham  or so).  here's the website.  there is also a boston chapter and probably others too. Definitely go to the twice/year sales!  I know at least one other bumper/nestie (whatever we call ourselves now) is also in this group.

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