
Our babysitter tonight did something wrong...

So our neighbor girl is 16 and watches DD a few times a month.  She's a VERY nice girl, plays with DD, puts her to bed, does a great job.

Well, tonight we got home and the oven was still on.  On BROIL.  It had been on broil for about 3 hours - I made little english muffin veggie pizzas for them and she popped them in.  Never turned the oven off.  So our house smells like oven and could have potentially burned down.

So learning opportunity - I just mentioned, hey - the oven is still on.  We need to make sure it gets shut off.  Do I need to go over this again with her next time she comes over?  Should I just never let her use the oven again? 

Opinions welcome, thanks!

Re: Our babysitter tonight did something wrong...

  • I'd avoid the oven when she comes over and stick with the microwave.
  • I would just have her not use the oven next time. Either you can have the food ready to eat, or you could leave something for her to microwave. If you do have her use the oven, I would just remind her.
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    Next time she comes over and needs to use the oven/stove I would just mention that after she is done to make sure the stove/oven is turned off.  "hey, if you want to cook something that is fine, just make sure the stove gets turned off."  

    Or something.  Thats just off the top of my mind.  It was probably a mistake, we forget to turn ours off sometimes too.  I would just make sure you remind her when she comes over.

  • I have done this...I have also left the faucet on in the kitchen and went to bed...luckily my husband came home and discovered it and turned it off- it would have run all night..

    I suppose everyone makes mistakes...I'd jokingly mention it next time- as you're leaving instructions just to feel better.


  • She's 16 not 6, I'm sure she's mortified. I would either avoid the oven next time or just say "don't forget to turn the oven off!" as you leave. I'm sure tht is enough. I've left the oven on a couple of times in my life, I didn't give up using it though.
  • I have done this too.  Probably more times that I'd like to admit.  I would jokingly mention it if you have her make something in the oven again. 
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  • Oh lord I've left my oven on so many times, DH as well. One of us usually catches the others mistake LOL!

    I would do so jokingly, it also depends on how good of a relationship you have with her. If it's more just professional and all she does is come over and work for you, then I have no advice but if it's more personal then I'd say jokingly mention something later if it makes you feel better.

  • Well, I left the oven on in my parents house for an entire day one time...oops.  But I would probably say just stick to the microwave.  Then she doesn't have to worry about it and neither to you.
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  • I left a burner on once and didn't notice it until one of our dogs started freaking out and growling at the stove. Smart dog...stupid me.
  • Thanks everyone.  I don't think I was discouraging when we talked about it when I got home, I just pointed it out and turned it off.  Hopefully she isn't upset about it, I'm sure my DD was keeping her very busy and she simply forgot.  She is going to be a senior next year and they live exactly across the street from us - I'm sure she has put SOMETHING in the oven before!  I was an RA in college and checked every oven in every kitchen in our buildings on rounds - young adults do forget to turn things off/unplug them.  It happens.

    That being said, I think simple cold or microwaved meals might ease MY mind a bit when we're out now.  I cook all the time and would say I'm extremely careful in the kitchen with the oven, appliances, knives, etc.  It's no trouble for me to make sure she doesn't have to cook or I'll just order a pizza for her.  :)  Thank you!

  • Wow...I can't imagine someone never forgetting to turn off the oven.  In all the years I've used one I've probably left it on a few times.  My DH leaves it on all the time.  One time with a loaf of bread in it.  I even asked when I came home if he burned something.  He was sleeping on the couch.  He said no.  I turned the oven off (which I noticed was on when I came home) and went to bed.  Next day I see a totally black loaf of bread in the trash.  lol  Just the other day I left a burner on with a pot on it (water and potatoes).  I was just going to "start" them, turn them off and leave.  I would not be home for dinner...but wanted to get things started for my DH.  Fortunately, it was on the burner that needs fixing and never came on.  Good thing...that could have been a big mess.  My DH left a teakettle on one night to the point that the stainless steel started to melt (hence the burner that doesn't work well).

    That being said...I would not have a problem with her using the oven again.  I would, however, remind her to turn it off when she takes out the food.

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