

Thanks for your response to my post below.  So how does it work out with your boys sleeping in the same bed?  Do you put them down at the same time?  Do they stay put?  I was seriously considering trying this.  My girls are 18 months apart and we put them to bed at the same time (different rooms).  Neither of them goes down without a little struggle (which is a totally new phase..they always used to go down without a peep).  They get up and go to each other's rooms.  I'm wondering what would happen if I let them sleep together.  We only have their twin beds though...not sure that would be big enough.

Re: ::MichelleWP::

  • We have 4 bedrooms, so they share a room, and they only have twin beds as well. They go to bed at the same time (and I think it's easier being together than it would be apart), and Nick started moving to Brady's bed in the middle of the night, so now we just put them down together. They sleep opposite each other (so one has his head at the foot of the bed). They sleep so much better this way! I figure they'll just outgrow it on their own.
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
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