
Booster seats

When did you stop using booster seats at the table?  We are trying to ease DS into it so it makes it easier when we go visit people and he has to eat a meal at their house, but I am wondering if he is too young.  He can reach the table, but he is very squirmy! :)
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Re: Booster seats

  • if he can reach the table, I'd stop using it and teach him to sit there for meals.  If he gets up, meal is over. 

    I think I stopped using the booster seats around 2...maybe 2 1/2 with the girls.

  • DD could sit on her knees and eat when she was about 2.5 (and she's really tall for her age), but she's definitely more comfortable if she has something to boost her up. . . she's not strapped in or anything.  We usually sit as a family for dinner for about 45 minutes and I don't think she'd make it that long if she wasn't comfortable.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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  • Good lord, I must have a squirmy child. ?She at 2 years 2 mo is still in the high chair. ? When we eat some where and she has a booster she would never sit still for long, and definitely not for a full adult dinner. ?The high chair makes things better.
    We do have a $20 booster seat we can take to friends/relatives houses.?
  • He just turned two, and he was always strapped in before, which worked out great.  I just started thinking about it this past weekend because we had two family functions where he had to sit at a table without his booster and he did well, but he was up and down the whole time!
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  • DD is almost 29 months old & loves her booster & just recently started to use one at restuarants.  She uses one at home for dinner but we never bring one to my parents or the inlaws house, I figure if she doesn't sit she doesn't eat.


  • We moved my DD from her highchair )which is the one that attaches to a regular chair and she had been sitting at the table with us and not using a tray since around a year) at around 20 months.  She only used it for a few months and prefers to just sit on her knees.  We had a booster that strapped to the seat and also has straps on it so we can belt her in if needed.  We did keep it around for a long time and if she got up and would not sit and eat during dinner, we would tell her she would get put back into the booster seat.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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