Mandi's bday is 7/26/92....she has her permit but has not had any driving time yet. I always started my kids out in an empty parking lot just to get them used to the feel of the car. BUT Mandi thinks she's ready for the road....I keep offering to take her to a parking lot but thats not good enough for her. I have no freaking idea what I'm gonna do with her. We plan on signing her up for driver's ed with the school this summer but they really prefer kids to have a little bit of road experience.
She's the one I'm really worried about & will be scared shitless when she starts driving on her own.
Oh Boy! Kevin is 6/27/92 and he got his permit in October, we've been on the road a little here and there with me, his dad, my husband and my dad, more so recently, he's taken driver's ed and he's done some drive time with the driving school.
I know he will do fine, he's a pretty level headed kid but still.
It just freaks me out! He's still my baby and I don't him out on the big bad road with all of those crazy people. Funny, I feel the same way about college!
I'm hoping I chill out because otherwise this kid might never drive on his own.
He is better behaved then I was too.