
am i normal?

My doc asked me how things are going and I said, "well my husband says I snap and b!tch, and I'm really stressed, on edge and feel overwhelmed. I told him if he'd just help I wouldn't be" (explained: he DOES help, I'm just truly that way)... She looked at me and said "have you thought of trying to take a medication to calm/control yourself?" I said "oh no, I don't need anything I'm fine" and tried to laugh it off-but she was serious. Now, ever since that conversation I keep thinking- maybe I DO need something? I asked DH and he said "you've def. changed, you're not as happy/bubbly as you always were and you always seem stressed-even when there's no reason."  And lately, we've been arguing over small things, I'm an emotional wreck-crying/pissed/excited... nothing base line-everything is high or low...

Ugh... i dunno. WDYT? Do I need to consider something? Talk to my doc again? What meds would they even give for this? ::sigh:: I've never been on meds for anything other then antibiotics and BC, do I really NEED something?

(thanks for making it this far...)

Re: am i normal?

  • I would definitely explore it further. It is possible you may need a little help whether it be speaking with a therapist or some medication or even both.

    It wont hurt to at least research it and consider it.

  • Sounds like some anti-anxiety meds couldn't hurt. You sound like me about a year ago.
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  • Before you start meds I would try a little soul searching. What is making you feel this way, are you getting enough exercise in the day, is your diet balanced, maybe you need vitamin supplements (and no I am not Tom Cruise under an alias Stick out tongue). I know for me I need exercise and I need vitamin D to make me happy. Any day there is sun out I make a point to sit in it for at least 20 min. because it helps my mood so much. I just think there are so many things that can throw us out of whack that can be pinpointed to things like diet, exercise etc.

  • I just started taking an anti-depressant as of last night.
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  • imagegracendantho26:

    Before you start meds I would try a little soul searching. What is making you feel this way, are you getting enough exercise in the day, is your diet balanced, maybe you need vitamin supplements (and no I am not Tom Cruise under an alias Stick out tongue). I know for me I need exercise and I need vitamin D to make me happy. Any day there is sun out I make a point to sit in it for at least 20 min. because it helps my mood so much. I just think there are so many things that can throw us out of whack that can be pinpointed to things like diet, exercise etc.

    I agree with this 100%. I know there are plenty of people out there that truly have imbalances and need medication, but I'd just be hesitant about jumping into something like that. I really dislike taking medicines just as a quick fix before attempting to seek out the true source of the issue.

    Edit/Addition: And I don't think you're abnormal. Having kids brings a lot of stress and worry, as well as limits our "down" time that we previously used to let stress diffuse. I think almost everyone here would choose neglecting themselves before neglecting a child's needs. We just need to put some focus back on ourselves in some way.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • imagegracendantho26:

    Before you start meds I would try a little soul searching. What is making you feel this way, are you getting enough exercise in the day, is your diet balanced, maybe you need vitamin supplements (and no I am not Tom Cruise under an alias Stick out tongue). I know for me I need exercise and I need vitamin D to make me happy. Any day there is sun out I make a point to sit in it for at least 20 min. because it helps my mood so much. I just think there are so many things that can throw us out of whack that can be pinpointed to things like diet, exercise etc.

    I would LOVE to be outside more, it's SOOO cold here now though. I am trying to eat better (trying to lose some weight) and walk/running on my treadmill. I've been at that for a couple weeks, and so far no change-DH and I had a blow up the other night over something REALLY small/stupid. That's the first time in 8 years we've yelled at each other... :( sad. that's what REALLY made me think I have an issue.

  • I might add that I had been contemplating this decision for a while. I had tried to do some other things as pp suggested, but nothing was making a significant change in my temperament. I don't think this will be a forever thing, just a needed right now thing.
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  • To me meds (in non severe mental health issues) are a bandage and eventually you will have to deal with the root cause of the anxiety and find appropriate coping mechanisms. It's kind of delaying the inevitable in some respects...but there are many people who need to take the meds right away for a variety of reasons. And I am completely talking out o myass because I do not know your situation well so take what I say with a grain of salt.Smile

    I hope you are feeling better soon!

  • LOL- Grace, I appreciate your advice!

    FWIW, I just feel like I have a REALLY short fuse and I have to try REALLLLLY hard not to snap-at anyone, including Jake. :( The other night I was watching SuperNanny and saw that little kid trip the little sister for NO reason-it made me MAD, I wanted to reach thru to TV and give that kid a piece of my mind while spanking him at the same time. Note* these are FEELINGS/THOUGHTS, not actions, I have been walking away and trying to breathe/block out stuff a lot lately. OMG.. this is just SOOO not me.

  • imager9stedt:
    I might add that I had been contemplating this decision for a while. I had tried to do some other things as pp suggested, but nothing was making a significant change in my temperament. I don't think this will be a forever thing, just a needed right now thing.

    that's what I was thinking... if something can get me on track-then I can come off it in the future...?

  • I wouldn't consider meds before first addressing the normal things.  Diet, sleep, exercise, etc.

     eta sorry you already addressed that.

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  • imageVivaAmore:

    Before you start meds I would try a little soul searching. What is making you feel this way, are you getting enough exercise in the day, is your diet balanced, maybe you need vitamin supplements (and no I am not Tom Cruise under an alias Stick out tongue). I know for me I need exercise and I need vitamin D to make me happy. Any day there is sun out I make a point to sit in it for at least 20 min. because it helps my mood so much. I just think there are so many things that can throw us out of whack that can be pinpointed to things like diet, exercise etc.

    I agree with this 100%. I know there are plenty of people out there that truly have imbalances and need medication, but I'd just be hesitant about jumping into something like that. I really dislike taking medicines just as a quick fix before attempting to seek out the true source of the issue.

    Edit/Addition: And I don't think you're abnormal. Having kids brings a lot of stress and worry, as well as limits our "down" time that we previously used to let stress diffuse. I think almost everyone here would choose neglecting themselves before neglecting a child's needs. We just need to put some focus back on ourselves in some way.

    I agree with both posters completely.  I would do some soul searching, try to talk to a counselor, etc., before just taking meds.  Medications do help a lot of people, but I think you also need to understand to root of the problem, and not just take some medication to mask it.


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