
how/when did you know DC was ready for big boy/girl bed?

DD is 20 months and will be just over two when her little sister is born. Little sister will get the nursery and DD will get a big girl room. I had been planning on having her in there a month or two before DD2 was born, but am starting to wonder if I should leave DD be and just keep DD2 in our bedroom for a few months so that we can transition DD a month or two after DD2 is born to give her more time. DD sleeps great in her crib. She sleeps well in the guest room with me on occasion, but if I'm not there when she wakes up she freaks a little. I'm not sure I'm convinced that she's ready for a big girl bed but I don't know how I'll know when she is unless she becomes a climber.

Re: how/when did you know DC was ready for big boy/girl bed?

  • Scroll down about 15 posts! Smile

     We moved DD a few months ago - she'll be 3 in April - in preparation for her new sister arrival in a couple of months.

    Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
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  • imageMrsMandaK:

    Scroll down about 15 posts! Smile


    i just saw that post! sorry, bad habit of mine, i post first then scroll :)

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  • DD will be born right around DS's 2nd b-day. I wanted to give him a few months, like you mentioned. I also didn't know what to expect, so I decided to try over my Christmas break, in case there were sleepless nights. We'll be putting #2 in his crib at about 3 weeks old, so he needed to vacate!
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  • We're going to transition pretty soon so we can do a slow transition.  First we're turning the crib into the toddler bed and letting DD sleep in that for a few months, then we'll transition again in march/april to whatever bed she's getting (we haven't decided for sure yet) and taking down the crib so that when we put it back up for the new baby she won't remember that it was "hers."  Everyone does this differently, but this is what I think will work for us.  She'll be 22 months when the new baby comes and they'll be sharing a room!
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  • We didn't think DD#1 was ready for a bed when we had DD#2. She was also just over 2 when we had the baby. We bought her a new crib that converted to a bed for her new room, and kept the baby in the nursery. So we did move rooms before the baby, but kept her in a crib. I figured if she still loved it and slept well in a crib, why rock the boat, especially if a new baby was on the way? It worked for us. Now DD just turned 3 and we are going to convert the crib to a double bed and do that whole deal very soon (like this weekend). She still loves her crib, oddly enough!

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