
Pukey baby, but a silver lining...

Ugh. This morning, I went in to get the boys up, and Miles had puked and was laying in it and covered in it. Blech. Poor little guy. Gave him a bath and he seemed not quite himself. Poor bunny.

But here's the silver lining...DH is staying home with him, ALL BY HIMSELF! I know, it's just one baby. But this is a first!!!

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Re: Pukey baby, but a silver lining...

  • i am sure you will get numerous phone calls while at work today. Hope the baby feels better soon.
  • Poor little guy! I hope he feels better soon.

     How fun that he gets dad all to himself. They're going to have a really fun day, even if all they do is lay on the couch and snuggle.

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  • aww this should be fun! please update at the end of the day :)

    hope poor miles feels better!

  • poor baby,that is nice that his dad will be with him all day.
  • Aww, yucko, poor little munchkin. It's nice though, that your DH will get to do that. I would LOVE for my husband to spend a whole day by himself with the babies. I may have to arrange that, now that I think of it:)
  • Good for your DH!  It's "character building" to be home with a sick baby.  Wink

    My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

    DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

    DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

  • AW -- poor Miles! Pukey sick is the worst .  . . we had that over Thankgiving and it was not fun! 

    But YAY for your DH!!  My DH has only stayed with B&K for an hour or two  . .. never all day.  But that will change here soon (our nanny is getting married in Feb and we'll need to have "coverage" b/w the two of us that week).  I'm sure your DH has checked in a few times . . . you'll have to let us know how it goes!Big Smile

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