To tell me that he had to report for jury duty today. I think I would have figured that out. Or, oh I dunno, perhaps he could have called around 6 when he found out??????!!
He wrote my number on the paper w/the jury duty call-in # on it - so I know for a fact he had it all with him. Asshat woke up B.
But he's not here, so let the festivities begin! lol
Re: Coirker called me at 1030 last night. GRRRR
I just mumbled something about "this better be good". He said he just got home. He has 2 cellphones on him at all times. grrrr
We keep the ringers on low b/c DH's dad is having some issues, so just in case... bah.
Not me man! Screw emergencies. If it's bad enough, they'll come beat down the door.
i'm kidding of course.
What an ass. You definitely need to sabotage his workspace in some way today. Or put some visine in his drink tomorrow.