
sleep sack users, a question....

Are they worth the money?  I never really worried about SIDS with DS.  But, do they really make life easier?

Baby #2 is due in April.  Do you still use them in the summer?  What kind of pj's do you put underneath?

I feel very stupid about this, but I really know absolutely nothing about them.  Thanks

Re: sleep sack users, a question....

  • DS#1 hated to be swaddled so we used sleep sacks.  Right now #2 sleeps in his carseat in his crib and I only put his pj's on him.  After I get him into the crib without the carseat I will probably start using a sack since he will be more in the open and more likely to get cold.  I used the thin ones in the summer with #1, but #2 is a bigger guy and doesn't seem to get cold like #1 so I probably won't with him.  Anyway not sure if that even answers any of your questions, but that is my experience with them.
  • I love them. I use the ones with sleeves in winter (in New England)- made of micro fleece - with a full cotton PJs underneath, and in summer I use the thin cotton sacks with no sleeves, usually with a long sleeved unesie underneath b/c we have the AC on. No worries about the baby getting tagled up in blankets or getting cold.
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  • I love them and wish they made them bigger!  DS still uses his.  In the winter we use the fleece ones and I put some fleece PJ's on him.  In the summer we use the lighter cotton ones with cotton PJ's underneath.  I'm so sad that this will be the last season he gets to wear it.  It's been a part of our routine for so long (he knows it's bed time when we put the sleep sack on him).
    Liam is 5!
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  • We've used the for both boys and I love them. In the winter we put on thick pjs and in the summer I just do pj's without the sack.
    Grant Thomas 8.8.06 and Reid Alexander 8.11.08
  • We loved the sleepsacks. He would never keep a blanket on, and we didn?t have to worry about him getting tangled up in it, either. We only ever used to fleece ones, because he was born in the fall and it was always cold for the time we used them. We would put a nightgown or one-piece cotton pjs on him, and then the sleep sack.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • totally made middle of the night changes much easier. I was sure to get the long sleeve ones so I didn't need to use anything underneath.
  • They were great when DS was little, until about 4 months.  After that he liked to kick his legs a lot and didn't like to be confined.  We did not use them in teh summer.  Underneath he'd wear a long sleeved onesie.
  • Kate is 35 inches and still in a sleepsack.  We have the fleece size 3T ones.  I put fleece pjs under it in the winter.  In the summer I use the cotton sleep sacks with cotton pjs underneath.  I love them!  She stays warm and I don't have to worry about her keeping a blanket on.
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