
I'm anemic too!

The dr's office just called.  I scheduled my 3-hour test for Friday morning, 8 am.  I hate getting up that early, but if I don't, I will be starving!  12 hours without food is like torture to a pregnant woman.

 The nurse also told me that I am anemic.  So now I have to stop at the drug store to get iron supplements to take in addition to the PNV.  Oh joy!  Maybe that will help with my constant exhaustion.

Re: I'm anemic too!

  • I haven't heard about my 1 hour glucose and since it was last Wednesday I'm hoping I'm in the clear.  I did hear back on Thursday that I'm anemic also so now I'm taking iron twice a day plus a vitamin c to help the iron get absorbed.  She also prescribed colace incase the iron constipates me.  Umm I've been taking colace for the past 2 months on my own... I'm pretty sure it can't get much worse than going 1-2 times/week.


  • I found out about 2 weeks ago that I'm anemic, and the extra iron has helped my exhaustion.  I'm still tired, but it's not as bad.
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  • I mentioned in your above post I was anemic too-the extra iron made a world of a difference in my exhaustion.  I felt much better after I took them for a few days. 

    And anemia is pretty common in a twin pregnancy-don't stress!!

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