i have been reading nothing but bad reveiws of swings on stores websites....anyone love theirs? dd is only 5 pounds so i am trying to find one she won't fall out of or slump down in.....tia!!
My smaller baby Evan came home at 3lbs 8oz and no swing is a good fit for a baby that size. In fact, there is no baby holding item, boppy, bouncy, or anything else that fits a baby that size. You will have to swaddle them and buckle them in in order for them to "fit". That being said I have the older model of the FP Aquarium swing and last years edition of the FP Nature Papasan swing. Neither were good fits, but when he was that tiny we did like the papasan swing better because it was more reclined. Now that they are 13lbs and 11lbs they fit and we still love both swings though they do eat up the batteries.
Here's a pic of Evan in the Aquarium swing the day we brought him home:
I LOVE my swing. I have the Fisher Price Nature's Touch Cradle swing. It is a model or 2 old and I sought it out at a Baby Depot cause my sister had it and it was awesome... I think the newer model had some poor reviews. When my son first came home it would go really fast cause he was only 4 lbs but I weighted it down by putting some heavy stuff underneath the seat - there is a spot that it fits perfectly! I actually bought a second at the consignment store to send to the babysitters. He is big now so we do not use it but I am saving for baby #2.
We were given the Fisher Price aquarium swing as a gift, and while DS was too small for it, we just put a rolled up towel around his head, and it worked fine. We just bought a Graco Sweetpeace to keep at my mom's house. I think it would be a great swing for a preemie. I actually saw one family bring it into the nicu when their child was able to come off the monitor. The Sweetpeace also has a 5-point harness like in the carseat, which holds DC in a bit more securely.
We couldn't use it at first because Robbie culdn't stay warm enough (he came home at 4 1/2 lbs) but these days he loves it and it's the only thing he'll nap in some days.
Ours is the starlight one so it has a mobile and lights that move which he loves..
And the best part is that it plugs into the wall so NO BATTERIES.
oh, and we didn't have it when she came home because we were in the process of moving. We didn't start using it until right after her due date, she was about 7lbs.
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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I didn't put my DC in a swing until about 7lbs, and then it was a Godsend! They loved those swings and they were the only way for them to sleep or be calmed down. I had one with a vibration setting which was awesome!
We also have the fisher price papasan and it has been the best thing for DD! She sleeps in it for naps and at night because of her reflux and it has done wonders! Couldn't live without it!
Re: anyone love their swing?
My smaller baby Evan came home at 3lbs 8oz and no swing is a good fit for a baby that size. In fact, there is no baby holding item, boppy, bouncy, or anything else that fits a baby that size. You will have to swaddle them and buckle them in in order for them to "fit". That being said I have the older model of the FP Aquarium swing and last years edition of the FP Nature Papasan swing. Neither were good fits, but when he was that tiny we did like the papasan swing better because it was more reclined. Now that they are 13lbs and 11lbs they fit and we still love both swings though they do eat up the batteries.
Here's a pic of Evan in the Aquarium swing the day we brought him home:
And here he is in the Papasan swing:
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add me to the FP papasan swing club.
We couldn't use it at first because Robbie culdn't stay warm enough (he came home at 4 1/2 lbs) but these days he loves it and it's the only thing he'll nap in some days.
Ours is the starlight one so it has a mobile and lights that move which he loves..
And the best part is that it plugs into the wall so NO BATTERIES.
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