
Anyone ever break their leg (Tibia)?

I have some questions if you did.  I am on week two of a broken Tibia.

Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image

Re: Anyone ever break their leg (Tibia)?

  • I have never broken my tibia, but I worked in an?orthopedic?hospital for over 4 years & have a degree in Sports Medicine. Maybe I could help???BTW, how did that happen? Ouch!
  • ouch.. i broke my right femur. can i help?
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  • Thanks girls.  All this is so new and scary.  I broke my Tibia in 3 spots about two inches above my ankle.  It was a clean break in one spot with two smaller fractures around the break.  No surgery required.  I am in a splint. 

    I had my first followup on Monday and the alignment looked good, no healing of bone at the time but everything was good.  I have another appointment on Monday,  The day of my appointment my husband softly stepped on my foot while I was in the bathroom.  It shot a pain in my leg, but then it went away.  I woke up the next morning pretty sore on the inside of my ankle and what I would think would be the fracture site.  That lasted two days. 

    The swelling in my foot was going down and the bruising was getting yellow and better. I woke up the yesterday with no pain in the leg, but I had a raised red spot that appeared to be new bruising on the top of my foot.  It is warm to the touch and when I stand up on crutches (no weight bearing on leg) there is a terrible burning in the area that is warm and raised.  It is on freaking fire.  I know when I first broke my leg, the first few days I had similar burning sensation in my ankle under the cast when I would get up on crutches.  It almost takes your breath away.  Is that burning normal bruising/swelling pain?  Is the warmth in it just from the bruising and inflamation?

    Do you think I could possibly need surgery during my healing process or is it safe to assume I won't at this point? 

    Those are my two current concerns.  I am also feeling some rubbing and clicking of what seems like bone connecting (no pain with that though just odd).

    Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image
  • I've broken my hip several times and have had 2 replacements.  Just make sure you follow your PT and doctor's rules.  They are there for a reason and when it hurts, rest it.
  • PS...walking my 80 lb Golden retriever.  He pulled after another dog and I water skiied on muddy grass until I heard my bone break.  Totally sucked!
    Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image
  • long am I looking at before I am normal again??? 
    Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image
  • Well I do know that my doctor had very clear orders that if I had any reddness or swelling with warm to the touch, I was to call him immediately.  I was on coumidin too.  But just to be on the safe side, I'd call the doctor and/or on call service. 
  • Yeah, left leg in two places about 4 inches above my ankle.  Playing hockey on the lake Christmas day several years ago.


    First 24 hours were the worst by far, swelling and lots of pain.  Had a temp cast for a week before the 'permanent cast' was put on.  Was on crutches for 2 or 3 weeks then walked on it for another 3-4 weeks.


    I can't comment on your burning or raised area as I could not see mine after the first week.  I don't think I would consider it normal though.  I would get it checked out.  It might just be soft tissue damage that is healing, or there might be something more sinister.  Better to be safe than sorry.


    I was surprised at how much my leg had shrunk and how weak it was after the cast was taken off.  It really took many months for it to feel completely normal - the oddest things would feel weird (playing golf for instance).


    I'd get the leg looked at again.  I don't remember having any pain after a week.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I should also say that I spoke to orthopedic and he said it doesnt all sound abnormal to watch it and if I feel it gets worse to call his cell phone and he would see me sooner than Monday.
    Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image
  • I have never broken my tibia but I am a physical therapist.  As far as the red raised area, as long as your MD gave the Ok to monitor it just look for signs of significantly increased pain, or signs of poor blood flow to your toes (i.e. toes nails turning grey or blue, foot going cold).  Bruising is pretty normal, but I would think that is from the original trauma and should go away pretty soon.  Swelling will be there for a while, especially since you aren't walking on the foot right now.  the best things to do for the swelling is to elevate your foot when you are sitting up and try to keep wiggling your toes.  It doesn't sound like the surgeon is considering surgery, or he probably would have done it right after the fracture.  The two main things he will be looking for while you heal are that everything is aligned OK and that there isn't a nonunion (where the bones never fully come together.)


    hope that helps, but when in doubt, ask your surgeon.

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