Success after IF

Dog just stepped on my uterus

Trying to remain calm, but I am starting to freak out.  About an hour ago, I was in bed reading a book and my 90lb Golden Retriever jumped up on the bed to make me give him some attention.  As I was rubbing his head, his back leg fell over onto my uterus.  My skin feels warmer than normal and I've got some uterine sensations I don't normally feel.  No bleeding, no cramps.  Has anything like this happened to any of you?  Was everything okay? 

Re: Dog just stepped on my uterus

  • My 50lbs dog stepped on my uterus while I was in bed at 14 weeks. It happened on a Sunday, I called ob first thing Monday morning and they said everything was fine but I could come in if it would me me feel better. I went in and heard the perfect hb, everything was just fine! I know you dog weighs more but I bet you are okay. I would call your dr to make sure and to make you feel better!
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  • This hasn't happened to me...but I'm so paranoid it will someday (and Maggie's only 25lbs). ?But if he didn't like totally pounce on your uterus, you're probably ok. ?

    My guess would be if you're not cramping or bleeding...then not to worry about it too much unless you start bleeding or cramping. ?I know that's way easier said than done, but everything is so padded in there.?


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  • At 8w your uterus is still behind the protection of your pubic bone and your baby is still tiny. You'll be fine.
  • i worked at a vet up until 28 weeks when i was put on bedrest..

    it was amazing how much people didn't give a sh!t and let their 100+ pound dogs jump up on me..there was this great dane that jumped and rammed his paws right into my belly at around 20 weeks..hurt like a biatch, and i cried and was so worried. I called the doc, and they said the, watch for bleeding, ?any severe cramping call back..

    i had so many things happen its crazy, the on call docs got tired of me im sure, haha!

    if you're really worried, give a call to ease you mind, but im sure its fine :)?

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  • o.k what is with dogs today. ?My 60 pound portuguese water dog stepped on my uterus this morning too. ?Just for a second. ?I let him come into the bed to snuggle with me and we he got up to leave he stepped on my belly. ?Uhhhh. ? But it still freaked me out. ?
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  • I have a 85 lb golden retriver, 45lb beagle/lab mix, and 12 lb mini dashcund who all decided to lay up on me last night while DH and I watched tv. They all want to be right near my stomach (guess they know something is different) OB-GYN said not to worry unless cramping and bleeding.  HTH!
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  • Oh those fur-babies! My 105 lb mutt gave me a good wack in the uterus last night. I didn't call the dr. as I could feel the baby moving all around last night and again this morning. They are pretty well protected in there, but if it is causing you worry there is no harm in calling your OB.
  • I can't believe this is so common!  I was going to post the same thing this morning.  We're dog sitting for some friends and both dogs have pounced on my uterus...pretty hard.  I was really nervous about it, but I haven't had any spotting either.  I feel a lot better now.  I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday, so I may bring it up then just to be safe.
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  • I think you are fine this early.  The babies are behind your pelvic bone as someone mentioned.  Even later it is probably fine.  The babies are so protected in there.  My dogs don't jump on me and they are never in bed with me - they kinda know I"m pregnant so they better behave. 
  • I have small dogs, but it always made me nervous because when I lay on the couch, they play all over my like a jungle gym.  I know it is fine - but for your sanity - keep that pooch off of you : )
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  • Lula is 50lbs and she steps on my belly all.the.time when she gets into bed with us. Personally it doesn't worry me because its not like she's hurling her weight into me. I'm just more inconveniently in the way for her :)
  • Yup, my 120 pound Newfoundland stepped on mine once too.  I've heard if you're having cramping and bleeding to get it checked out, but everything is pretty padded in there for the baby. 
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  • I have 2 golden retrievers and one of them did the same thing to me earlier on.  It ended up being ok!!!
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