
Any medical nesties on..? for you

O.k so I was at kindermusik with dd (3.5 years old) and ds (7 months) this?a.m.

?At the end of the class it comes out that one of the girls' 2 older sisters had chicken pox over the Christmas holidays... the little girl in the class did/does not have them but.. as the mom said "the incubation period is quite long" ?I thought it was very insensitive of her to potentially expose other kids to it but my question is: ?How likely is it that my kids could come down with it from a 45 minute class where I don't think they came into direct contact with her? ?DD has her shots but ds is only 7 months... I am a worry art by nature so my stomach is in knots over this...


What do you think?



Re: Any medical nesties on..? for you

  • Your 3 1/2 year old was probably immunized for it already, right? I don't know the incubation period but yes that was insensitive.
  • Have you had chicken pox?  Our pedi said that DD maintained my immunity for a few months after birth.  You may want to call your pedi to be on the safe side.
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  • That is very insensitive.  I think DH said the incubation period can be several weeks. 
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  • I've heard that you are only contagious while there are open sores. ?She may be incubating and developing the illness, but your child should not be at risk for exposure unless that child had any open sores. ?
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