I have to hold myself back from posting multiple stories a day about my kids and many of the stories (particularly where Owen is concerned) involve bathroom antics. But I try to remind myself that it's much cuter in the moment than re-told here.
Anyone else have a confession/vent/flame to share?
Re: Did we do a confession and/or vent post?
Yes, and I posted this same thing last night:
I hate it when someone posts a *spoiler without a warning.
I am reading the Twilight series and someone posted the ending to book 3 in a thread yesterday with NO warning. I'm so annoyed (I am on book 2).
I have a flameful confession...
When my kids don't eat what I fix for dinner, they don't eat.
When my kids don't eat what I fix for dinner, they don't eat.
I'm kind of heading in the same direction with my kids. Natalie is already pretty on board with eating what is served but Owen can still be a bit of a stinnker.
I'll confess for DH today, he's home w/the kids.
DD hasn't eaten since breakfast. He just called to tell me that.
Same here. Sometimes I'll let him have a yogurt or an apple, but I'm sure the hell not going to get into the habit of making a separate meal. Luckily both kids are pretty adventurous eaters (so far) so it is rarely an issue, but every now and then...?
Liam is 5!
I'm starting to get that way about dinner. A thinks I'm running a diner or something. Her dr. is the one who suggested it so I don't feel so bad. I try to fix things she'll eat but she's so damn picky.
Here's my confession. I went to lunch with a nestie today & was incredibly jealous because she looks fabulous & skinny & hot, & her DS is a year younger than mine. Meanwhile, I am still shlubby & needing to lose 20 pounds. I suck.
If you are reading this, Jess, I had a great time!
You're going to motivate me to get off my ass_now.