

my twins are here, i'll update properly when i have time and they're not both fussing (DH took a long shift so i'm letting him sleep and on my own w/them for the first time!)

so what are you supposed to do if babies fall asleep at the breast after 10-30 mins of off and on sucking? (they suck a little, stop for a bit, i stimulate them after giving them a pause and they start sucking again, over and over till they're finally asleep) do i count that as a feed and wait? just feed whenever they act  hungry next? I don't want them to get into the "snacking" mode but when i'm trying to feed them at the same time it's so hard to do what it takes to relaly get them awake (well and even when i try one at a time it's been hard to get them to feed when they just want to sleep)

fraternal twin boys born january 2009

Re: help!

  • take their clothes off if they continue to fall asleep while eating. it will help keep them awake.
  • Congratulations!!!!

    ?It's really hard in the beginning -that's all they want to do is sleep. ?My girls would fall asleep for every feeding. ?We would strip them down to their diapers for each feeding, and sometimes even use a warm washcloth to keep them awake. ?Sometimes that didn't even help, though. ?I'd just count it as a feeding, and wait until they act hungry again - or, if you're on a schedule, feed them in 2/3 hours. ?The cluster feeding thing will continue for a few months, until they get on a more normal schedule. ?I think it took about 2-3 weeks until they stopped falling asleep during feedings - but they will stop doing that! ??

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  • i don't know but congratulations on your sweet babiessss!
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  • Try getting them naked, and rub their feet, warm/wet washcloth on them anything to keep them stimulated.
  • Yours are so little and so sleepy still. Just feed them again whenever they act hungry next. You aren't creating any "habits" yet, so don't worry about it. They will gradually start to realize that they have to wake up to eat and then you can start trying to space feedings. Honestly, I think in the beginning I was "feeding" at least every hour because someone would doze off mid-nurse. Even when they start eating more actively, their tummies are so little that they may want to eat far more frequently than every three hours.
  • i have been stripping them down, stimulating them etc. i can't nurse every hr b/c i smply can't survive like that esp when dh goes back to work so i REALLY need to get them on a schedule.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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