
So I'm wearing a stupid holter monitor. Ugh.

I went to the cardiologist today for my heart palpitations.  She said everything looked and sounded good, she didn't hear a heart murmur or anything like that, but I have to wear this monitor for 24 hours.  I have to go for an echo on Monday.  Keep your fingers crossed that everything is okay :)

Re: So I'm wearing a stupid holter monitor. Ugh.

  • Oh my goodness.  I hope everything is ok!
  • I will keep my fingers crossed. that's what S had to wear. this time though she will wear a loop monitor for 30 days.?

    good luck! those monitors such to wear but give great info. ?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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  • I had to do the same thing when I was preggo with ds2. The cardiologist told me with every pregnancy the heart palpatations tend to increase and he sees it all the time with 2-3 pregnancies. GL, I am sure you will be just fine though.
  • I had to wear it as well when I was pregnant.  I was about 5 or 6 months when I started having a ton of palpations.  I have previous heart issues so they monitored me closely for weeks.  Everything turned out fine.  Also, they went away as fast as they came a few weeks later.  Good luck!
  • Minnas-I actually thought of your Sophia as they were hooking me up, and what a pain it would be to have one of these on a little kid!  I'm so sorry you guys have to keep going through all this with that poor little girl.  Meanwhile, I'm a little nervous about what they are going to learn about me from maybe my heart gets going too fast when I do normal stuff and they are going to be like, "honey, you are so far out of shape it's not even funny."  I'm convinced that they are going to reprimand me for my lack of exercise.  Of course, if that's my biggest problem as a result of all this, I guess I'm doing okay!
  • I had to do that last summer--except I wore the King of Hearts Monitor for a week.  (Similar thing).  They didn't find anything wrong with me, which I think is both good and bad.

    Good luck!  Keep us updated!

  • It must be going around. I spent 4 hours in the ER last night getting tests and have the same thing.
  • On a side note have they checked your thyriod since you began having the palpatations?

    I developed hyperthyroidism during my second pregnancy and that was one of my first symptoms.

    I hope you get some answers soon.


    Reid 9-17-05 Grace 6-2-07 Owen 10-19-11
  • oh JDD--it'll be fine. if it makes you feel any better I am so out of shape too. hey we chase a toddler--in my book that totally counts as exercise, right? ?:)

    oh yeah--those monitors are so hard to keep on her. ugh!

    good luck again and I'll be thinking of you! ;)?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Ugh! I had to do the same thing during my first pg (twice, actually, both times for an entire week - ugh!) and I can feel the "weird heart feelings" coming back again this pg - sigh... Turned out OK last time (just that I have a naturally high HR, that gets worse with pg), but it was a total pain to deal with :) 

    Hope things turn out well for you.

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