
How much $$ is pre-school?

I have absolutely NO idea.

Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: How much $$ is pre-school?

  • The one that DD will be going to in the fall is ~$1200 for the year (Sept. - beg. of June).
  • Full-time or part-time?  My kids go to part-time and it is 2 days a week from 9-4 and it is $150/kid.  Full-time is probably anywhere from $1500 - 2000?  That is ballpark in TX.

    My kids LOVE their school! :)

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  • It totally depends - on the school and where you live. There is one essentially free (and very good) program in my town, but it is impossible to get into. One I looked at was $17,000 a year-. Yeah - we stopped looking at that one, lol.

    Around here, the majority seem to be $10-12000 a year, but I am guessing that is high.

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  • Depends on a lot of factors:  where you live, the ciriculum, how many days, pt/ft.

    Ours is very inexpensive in comparison to lots of others on here.  For Tues and Thurs from 9:30a to 12:30p it is $103/month.

    ETA:  In FL I was going to put Alexander in a preschool that was $150/week (or was it every other week) for half days Monday through Friday.

  • We pay $590.00 for 3 mornings from 8:30-12:30
  • That is per month. :)
  • uh, wow. I guess it IS really high around here.


    Time to move to the 'burbs!!!!!!

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  • For the school DD was at last year 3 days a week from 9-2 was $82 a week

    Her school this year for 3 days a week from 9-2 is $230 a month

    Next year she will go to a preschool by our house at our church for 3 days a week from 9-2 it is $260 a month

  • I think it really depends on where you live.  The school Abby will attend in the fall is $115 a month for 2 days a week (9-11:30).

    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
  • imageDevonPow:

    It totally depends - on the school and where you live. There is one essentially free (and very good) program in my town, but it is impossible to get into. One I looked at was $17,000 a year-. Yeah - we stopped looking at that one, lol.

    Around here, the majority seem to be $10-12000 a year, but I am guessing that is high.

    Wow, I pay that much in FT daycare per year! I was thinking more of a local 1/2 day thing where they sing a song, read a book, do an art project and go home. A few hundred a year sounds more reasonable!

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Ours is through a church and relatively inexpensive - it ranges from $145 to $245 a month depending on how many days a week your child goes.
  • I've looked at two recently:



  • We pay $194 a week for full time
  • DS goes 2 days a week from 8:30-11:30 and it's $85 a month. So it equals out to a little over $10 a day. That $10 is so worth it for me to come home have some alone time and be able to get some cleaning done.
  • Co-op preschool (2 mornings a week) was $140/mo

    Private Montessori (5 mornings a week) is $4500/yr (in-parish rate)

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  • We pay $5K/year for a Montessori school.  M-F 9-12.
  • 12-18k for private pre-schools is the norm around here, too.  Co-ops are significantly less expensive.
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  • is there preschool in your dc? Ethan still goes to the same daycare, he's in preschool for 1/2 a day (curriculum) and the rest is just daycare.

    not sure about regular 9-12 preschool... (or 9-11 maybe?)

  • Ours is $1500 a year for 2 days.  It is cheaper by about $750 than any of the others for comparable amounts of time, the other one I would consider is $2250 for 2 days, but that is because it is really small and the church it is in does not charge rent and has volunteers to clean and do other task normally paid. 
  • I live in the Balt-Wash area and I pay about $3800 per year for MWF 9:15-12
  • before I decided to do 2 Full days/week at a center (which is $120/week) to make my new work schedule more feasible, I looked at several options.

    The 2-3 morning per week programs I investigated cost anywhere from $200-700/month.  The 5 morning/week montessori was $1K/month - that is what I was paying FT at an in-home!  I was shocked at some in-home preschools that were charging between $500-600/month for 3 mornings a week - INSANE!

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