I am still giving them a bottle before bed and a bottle in the morning. I am ready to drop the night bottle starting tonight. I know I am doing this way later than most. I was kinda going off their adjusted age, but even still I am late. Anyway..
What I have been doing is dinner at 5, 8oz bottle at 7. bed at 730.
I think a warm bottle kinda soothes them and helps them drift to sleep with a full tummy.Do I just drop that bottle and put them to bed? Do I give them a later dinner so they are more full at night? What do you do?
Thanks for your tips!
Re: To my fellow MoM's of 1yr olds+
I'd either give them a later dinner w/milk or a bedtime snack w/milk in a sippy. We've done both with the girls, depending on the day.
I thought getting rid of the bedtime bottle was going to be a nightmare, but it turned out to be a breeze for us. I hope the same for you!
Are you talking about switching to sippy cups or dropping the milk? We switched to sippy's at one year and still gave them milk before bed until they were about 20 months old. The evening milk got dropped b/c they were eating so well at dinner there just wasn't time for milk before bed anymore. At first we slowly moved the milk from bedtime (7:15 or so) back to dinner time (6:00). Then I would ask them if they wanted milk or water with dinner and they always said water.
They are still getting a sippy of milk when they first wake up then DC gives them two more cups during the day. I figured between that and the other dairy they get throughout the day they are fine.
Hope this helps.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Well I don't want to give up the morning bottle because the thought of me getting my lazy arse out of bed at 6am or even 7am to feed them breakfast is more than I can possibly bear. Right now we hand them a bottle while we change their diaper, then lay them back in their crib with the last 2 or so oz they haven't finished and they drift back to sleep till 8 (and so do I). I get them up at 8 let them play and feed them breakfast at 9.
So should I start giving them a sippy of cold milk at bedtime?
I would give them a bottle at night forever if it would make them fall to sleep better, but isn't there a reason we aren't suppossed to by this point? I'm not sure I just know most people dont... your thoughts please.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
Awesome. Thanks for your advice ladies. Maybe we wont cut out this bottle quite yet. We will probably just adjust the routine in which we give it to them. Maybe transition to a sippy at night too.
They do drink milk with breakfast and dinner, and water with lunch sometimes I add a splash of juice but not very often.
They always drink their entire 8oz bottles at morning and night. They don't drink that much with their sippys. So it makes me feel good that they are getting that big supply of milk at least twice a day.
Thanks for all your advice and tips.
My girls are off bottles and on sippy cups, but we still give them a sippy cup of milk as part of the evening routine: sippy cup of milk, diaper change, into pjs, cleanup time, brush teeth, go upstairs to bed.