Hi moms,
I'm wondering if you can reconcile a few questions DH and I are teeming over...
1) Was there anything you put on your registry that you received and soon realized you really didnt need it?
2) Was there anything you didn't put on your registry that you wish you had b/c you could really use it right about now?
3) Anything you never thought you'd ever use but has now become a lifesaver/must-have?
Re: Need registry advice from new moms!
Keep it simple! It's easy to get carried away and most things you really don't need and just become clutter.
Don't register for a lot of clothing as you'll get tons no matter what.
The one "accessory" I'd definitely get is a papasan/swing for the baby.
The one thing I didn't really want but got anyway and can't live without is my video monitor (summer handheld video monitor - I think it's like $170 at BRU)
Ditto the bathroom frog and video monitor - love both of these.
Used the JJ Cole Logic sling diaper bag a lot after she got a little older. https://tinyurl.com/4wlbyb
The FPrice infant to toddler rocker she still uses. https://tinyurl.com/a69ree
Did not use the bottle warmer or the microwave bottle sterilizer
I'm not a new mom, but there were a few things that I am so glad I had.
1. A diaper pail. I would advise on NOT getting the diaper genie, as you have to buy special refills.
2. A swing. DS slept for HOURS in his swing. He rarely slept in his bouncer, however I have heard some babies sleep better in a bouncer than a swing.
3. A bottle warmer. It made it so easy in the middle of the night (if you are not nursing) to start that up before changing the baby and having it totally ready.
4. A CD player. I have played music for DS at nap/bed time since he was an infant. It always helps him fall asleep.
A swing, bouncy chair, activy mat, and mobile were all great for keeping DS occupied. I always switched him around when he got bored.
I think soem things work for some and not for others. I loved my bottle warmer. I BF but loved it for when DS got a bottle at night when DH fed him. I didn't use a diaper genie. I used my boppy sporadically. I didn't use a wipe warmer. I used a ton of burp clothes. I never seemed to have enough! Sheet savers were a best friend because changing the crib sheet everyday sucks. We still use our changing table thing that we keep on top of DS's dresser.
That's all I can think of!
Liam is 5!
I wish I hadn't registered for a swing. It took up way too much room and my DD never liked it as much as other babies. So I guess if you do register for one, make it a compact one!?
I also wish I hadn't registered for a regular monitor. I really wanted a video one! The monitor we have doesn't have video and I never use it. Our house is small enough to hear the girls cry, no matter where you are in the house. But I'd like to have a video monitor so I can see what the heck DD is up to during "nap time" and how long it takes her to fall asleep.
I also wish I hadn't registered for a manual pump. It was totally useless to me. I couldn't get anything out of my boobs with that thing. And once you open pumps, you can't return them.?
I wouldn't register for any toys or clothes except for basic stuff like undershirts. People will get cute toys and outfits without you having to register for them.
I wish we would have gotten a video monitor. I use our regular one, but it would be so cool to see what he is doing in there. Also, we didn't swaddle, but in hindsight I wish we would have at least tried it. So, a swaddling blanket.
I don't think there was anything that we got that we didn't use. Maybe the play mat thing.
I registered for a Baby Bjorn and quickly realized there were much, much better/more comfortable carriers out there (Moby wrap, Beco Butterfly). Was a total waste of $$ for us after a few months.
Things I couldn't have lived without - a compact swing (could have skipped the larger one b/c of the space it took up), bouncy seat, Gerber thermal/waffle blankets (for swaddling), side snap t-shirts for when DS was a newborn (easier when they don't yet have neck control), Pack 'n Play (nice for having downstairs for diaper changes, naps, etc), electric pump if you're BFing (loved my Ameda Purely Yours), mesh "things" (can't think of what to call them but BRU has them) for the dishwasher to hold tiny parts and a dishwasher basket for larger items.
We were fine with a regular monitor (Graco iMonitor) - the video ones freak me out a bit b/c you can "intercept" them from outside the house and someone you don't know could be watching your child/you w/o you knowing it.
In spite of a few conflicting answers it seems that most of you are all on the same page and I really appreciate the responses! We've put together a VERY basic registry list of essentials which includes a 1st aid kit, carseat (Combi Zeus) Sony audio monitor (i've heard people can intercept the video from outside the house, so I'm OK with audio-only) some BPA-free bottles and a diaper dude for my husband. There are a few other random things on there but we're getting a lot of hand-me-downs from Hub's cousin and other friends. Also his parents are buying our stroller and mine are buying the nursery furniture.
Thanks again ladies and congrats on your new additions :-)