if this happened to you, has your stomach gone down some. do you think you still look pregnant. did you do any exercises. do you think the exercises helped.
My physical therapy exercises helped a lot. I think I'd look pretty back to normal if I ate better and went to the gym. I'm happy to email the exercises to you if you'd like.
My physical therapy exercises helped a lot. I think I'd look pretty back to normal if I ate better and went to the gym. I'm happy to email the exercises to you if you'd like.
Could you email me them? I have it badly and still look about 24-25wpg. I have very little abdominal strength but my doc never OKed PT. I don't know how to PM you *blush*
oh could I get the exercises as well? My email is yinyangexz @ yahoo dot com. I was denied PT, which is such crap. I think anyone placed on bedrest should be given PT.
Mommy to twin girls, Ashlyn & Fiona, born at 34 weeks due to vasa previa.
Could you email me the exercises, too? I still look way too pregnant at 15 months PP. I've been looking online lately & am now too scared to start doing regular crunches since they keep talking about teaching your muscles to stay apart. My email is avmoreno at msn dot com
Re: abdominal separation
My physical therapy exercises helped a lot. I think I'd look pretty back to normal if I ate better and went to the gym. I'm happy to email the exercises to you if you'd like.
Could you email me them? I have it badly and still look about 24-25wpg. I have very little abdominal strength but my doc never OKed PT. I don't know how to PM you *blush*
Could you email me the exercises, too? I still look way too pregnant at 15 months PP. I've been looking online lately & am now too scared to start doing regular crunches since they keep talking about teaching your muscles to stay apart. My email is avmoreno at msn dot com
thanks! cristy
Can you email them to me too? twinmommy07@live.com