She took an assessment, asked a lot of questions, took some tests, gave my back a little shock therapy with a nice heavy hot pad on it for about 15 minutes (I almost fell asleep), and then she lightly massaged the area. She also showed me some exercises that I can do at home that will help with the pain. They want me to come 3x a week until I start to feel better and than lower it to 2x a week. She just came back to work after maturnity leave with twins (boy and girl), so we talked babies the whole
Good news: I took a vicodin and a muscle relaxer before I went to bed last night and for the 1st time in FOREVER, I actually slept through the night. I didn't even hear dh and the dog come to bed! I have taken that combo before (even thrown in a Motrin here and there), but I still tossed and turned. Not last night though... YEAH!
Re: 1st physical therapy appt. when well. In case your