DH and I have always been not only a great married couple but also the best of friends. We both have our on interests and encourage each other to pursue them plus we always used to go on adventures together. I am just feeling really hormonal today and just feel like I have let my best friend down because I am always " to tired, to cranky or just not in the mood" to do anything from our former life.
I think I need to jump start my former life at least a little. I have two friends that keep offering to babysit and I think I am going to have them come at the same time so they are not overwhelmed and plan a date day because a date evening is still just to late for us
Re: feel like a bad wife :(
Yeah, I am right there with you. I knew it was bad when my parents came to visit last fall. They told us ahead of time that they wanted to take DH and me to dinner - just adults. My dad said that we provide a lot of activities and outings for the boys but he doesn't hear us talking about doing things for ourselves. So, we got a sitter and had a nice leisurely dinner with my folks at a place that actually serves meals on nice plates and has wine glasses!
Finding a new normal is the trick which I haven't quite figured out yet. But, getting a sitter and going out together is a good first step. Even if it's for a couple of hours in the middle of the day! And I agree about having two people there with the kids. When my boys were small the teenage girl next door and her teenaged cousin would both come to babysit together. Now that they are older and more mobile one person can handle them.
My twins are 5! My baby is 3!
DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi
DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame
I think most of us can relate, it's hard enough to find time for ourselves, let alone for our spouses or marriages. I think we are just starting to get back to the way we were...but still not 100% there. We actually got out for the first time to dinner and a movie the other weekend because my mom came to watch the boys. It was really nice to be together, have a glass of wine and just sit and talk. I miss those times with my husband.
I agree with pps, it's all about finding a "new normal" which probably will come eventually. Hang in there, I'm sure he's feeling the same way about being there for you too.