I am sure you get annoying questions like this all the time, but I still want to ask anyways I was recently diagnosed with PCOS... so just started my first cycle of clomid, metformin and Ovidrel injection (this sat). I know this increases chance of multiples, question is were any of you on these medications or did you go through anything similar? just curious here!
my DS is a clomid/IUI/met/trigger baby... singleton pg. got pg with first cycle.
the twins took 2 cycles of the same protocol + i took wheat grass from CD1 until IUI date.
my full success story is at the end of my bio.
Clomid only increases your chances by approx 10%... most women do not end up with multiples. Just make sure to be monitored so you don't end up with six
baby dust to you!
thanks and congrats and cute little boy to top it off. and yes, 6 would be a nightmare!
Same, excpet we didn't do the IUI and I was taking metformin too.?
I didn't have any luck with my OB and had to go to an RE. After Clomid I did two rounds of Femara. On my inj. cycle I used femara too and have my beautiful babies below.
If I could do over, I wouldn't spend as much time with my OB and would have gone to an RE sooner.
Good Luck!?Clomid does work great for some people. Hope it does for you!
Beta #1 15dpo 298, Beta #2 18dpo 1048
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