

I am sure you get annoying questions like this all the time, but I still want to ask Tongue Tied  anyways I was recently diagnosed with PCOS... so just started my first cycle of clomid, metformin and Ovidrel injection (this sat).  I know this increases chance of multiples, question is were any of you on these medications or did you go through anything similar?  just curious here!




  • i have PCOS and did 4 cycles of clomid. ?my first cycle of injectibles i got PG, we used gonal-f and ovidrel with an IUI. ?GL!
  • thanks and cute babies!  Just nice to hear it from other people that were in the same boat, gives me hope!
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  • yup!

    my DS is a clomid/IUI/met/trigger baby... singleton pg.  got pg with first cycle.

    the twins took 2 cycles of the same protocol + i took wheat grass from CD1 until IUI date.

    my full success story is at the end of my bio.

    Clomid only increases your chances by approx 10%... most women do not end up with multiples. Just make sure to be monitored so you don't end up with six :)

    baby dust to you!

  • imageGoldie_Locks_5:


    my DS is a clomid/IUI/met/trigger baby... singleton pg.  got pg with first cycle.

    the twins took 2 cycles of the same protocol + i took wheat grass from CD1 until IUI date.

    my full success story is at the end of my bio.

    Clomid only increases your chances by approx 10%... most women do not end up with multiples. Just make sure to be monitored so you don't end up with six :)

    baby dust to you!

    thanks and congrats and cute little boy to top it off.  and yes, 6 would be a nightmare!

  • the waiting stinks...and living your life in 2 week intervals is the worst. ? you'll get there soon enough. i hope that you join us soon, and if it's not 2 babies please let us know that the clomid worked for you. ?i'll keep you in my prayers. ?baby dust sent your way.......
  • imageapril062604:
    i have PCOS and did 4 cycles of clomid. ?my first cycle of injectibles i got PG, we used gonal-f and ovidrel with an IUI. ?GL!

    Same, excpet we didn't do the IUI and I was taking metformin too.?

    I didn't have any luck with my OB and had to go to an RE. After Clomid I did two rounds of Femara. On my inj. cycle I used femara too and have my beautiful babies below.

    If I could do over, I wouldn't spend as much time with my OB and would have gone to an RE sooner.

    Good Luck!?Clomid does work great for some people. Hope it does for you!

    TTC since 7/06, found out about PCOS on 8/31/06 Dec.2007~ Metformin 1500mg, prenatals, Femara 2.5mg)(cd3-7), Gonal F 100iu(cd5-?) and Ovidrel with TI. DH~ antibiotics to improve motility (cd1-10)
    Beta #1 15dpo 298, Beta #2 18dpo 1048
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  • I have PCOS but have other issues as well.  We did IVF with ICSI put 2 bach and got twins :)
  • ditto. ?don't waste too much time with your OB. ?go see an RE!
  • Same here, PCOS among a list of other crap. I did a bunch of Clomid never worked for me. I ended up getting pg on round 2 of IVF. Good Luck!!! Agree pm seeing a Reproductive Care Specialist.
  • They told me I had it also, the call came the day after my first OB appt- I was all ready Pg with twins, no meds used. I didn't see your ticker, so I don't know how long you've been trying but PCOS doesn't = no babies w/o help, just so ya know Smile
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
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  • I have PCOS..I did clomid..But what worked for me was IVF. I got PG with the twins, BUT when the twins were 4 months old we found out I was PG!!! It just happened!!?
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