
My kid went from the 95% to Failure to Thrive :(

Chris went from the 95th% at 9 months to the 85% at 12 months and down to the 60% at 15 months.  We went to a GI doc for his food allergies and they daignosed him with FTT and they think it's due to his limited diet, but way to kick a mommy when she's already down!  We are to add oil to his foods and try to do a lot of high calorie foods.  He can't have dairy or soy so that limits things a lot.  What else can I use to add fat into his diet? 

I looked at the kids Ensure shakes things and they were milk based.  I looked at the generic protien shake and they had milk and soy.

Re: My kid went from the 95% to Failure to Thrive :(

  • Can he have nuts?

    Avocado is high in fat.


  • No advice. Just wanted to say hang in there and hope he picks back up soon.

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  • Does he like peanutbutter? My DD has definitely gained since she started eating more PB.
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh how frustrating! Did the GI doc hook you up with a dietician? I'd think that would be in order since his diet is so restrictive.
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  • Nuts came back negative for the allergy with the skin test.  But they still told us to aviod them since his allergy symptoms are all GI related not skin related for foods.
  • Olives, avocados and nuts are healthy fats. ?Olive oil? ?Flaxseed oil??
  • Avocado is really high in good fat.

    Oh, and try coconut milk yogurt. My nephew is allergic to milk and I found this for him at Whole food's. It's really yummy, and has a higher fat content than whole milk yogurt. You could also try adding coconut milk (found in the asian food section) to certain things. I make a dish with coconut milk, black beans, and rice that's really good. 

    The brand of the yogurt is so delicious. Whole Foods is the only place I've seen it, but you may be able to find it other places. They also make a soy that look just alike in packaging, so make sure you pick up the coconut one. 

  • I'm so sorry. ?Will he eat avocado? ?For fattier foods, mine love sweet potato fries & Dr. Praeger's could even cook them in a little extra oil. ?Dd loves pasta smothered in olive oil & pesto sauce (check the labels or make your own pesto since some contain cheese). ?
  • We have a weight check in a month then go back the following week to see what else to do.  He's being tested for some metabolic disorders as well.  I know Celiac Disease was one of them.  They were also testing his thyriod.
  • (((hugs))) ?Olive oil helps. ?Beans and nuts are good protein/fat sources.

    Are they sending you to a nutritionist? ?If not, you might want to request some recommendations for one. ??

    GHM reminded me of coconut milk. ?It is easy to find in cans at grocery food stores. ?My kids all like it. ??


  • That is tough.  My DD was FFT probably 3 or 4 times, but she was on high calorie formula until 2 years and now is on milk with carnation instant breakfast.

    Can he eat peanut butter or other nut butter?  DD lives on peanut butter, fruit, pea, and oatmeal shakes, I use milk to mix, but you could use hemp milk or a bit of water or juice (I found one juice that is really whole fruit, not just the juice).  If it isn't sweet enough, I add a bit of sugar.  DD needs all the calories she can get, so not a big deal. 

    You could also get a vita mix and mix up fruits and veggies and add nut fats, avocado, ect and make it taste good.  DD also eats Lara bars, and other bars (not sure about the milk thing, but I think that you can get some without milk or soy from specialty makers if you look hard enough, you can also make your own.)

  • God, I'm so sorry! dietary restrictions must be so hard. Ditto previous posters--have them send you to a dietician. ?{{hugs}}
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • My friend's baby had failure to thrive.  They did several interventions and now she is doing much better.  Just wanted to give you some hope.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Max born July 25


    Big sisters Alex and Layla


  • I can try coconut milk.  I pulled out our fryer and the kid has been having french fries daily now.  But, I'm worried about him having healthy foods and weight gain.  I'm going to talk to the ped about a dietician next appoitment.  I just feel so frustrated!  The poor kid has seen a NICU specalist as a newborn for his A's and B's, ENT, allergist, neurologist (2 of them), eye doctor, neuropthomologist, GI doctor and now will be adding a developmental pedi and dietician!
  • I'd be frustrated too. ?We're just dealing with celiac and it is enough to make me want to cry. ?FTT sounds scary but at least it is something that goes away once you figure out how to handle it. ?

    I wish I could pour you a big glass of wine right now! ?:)

  • I'm so sorry :(  We have food/eating issues with my DS  as well.  I know for a fact that there is no way he is getting proper nutrition with the like 5 foods he will eat :(  I'm nervous that we when go for his 24 month check-up he is going to be FTT and he, too, started in the 95% for weight :( 

    Just out of curiousity, did he LOSE weight since his last appt, or just not gain appropriately?  I wish my DS would be peanut butter :(  We are going to go the allergy test route soon, as well.

    I def think a dietician is necessary.  Best of luck to you!! :)

  • Maybe sunbutter would be a good option? It tastes very similar to peanut butter, but its made from sunflower seeds, so no nuts. My DS loves sunbutter sandwiches and I spread a little regular butter on there too.  I believe it has just slightly lower fat content than regular peanut butter but more vitamins/minerals.  I could be wrong on that, but that's my understanding.  I have found it at Super Target
  • imageMediaBride:

    I'm so sorry :(  We have food/eating issues with my DS  as well.  I know for a fact that there is no way he is getting proper nutrition with the like 5 foods he will eat :(  I'm nervous that we when go for his 24 month check-up he is going to be FTT and he, too, started in the 95% for weight :( 

    Just out of curiousity, did he LOSE weight since his last appt, or just not gain appropriately?  I wish my DS would be peanut butter :(  We are going to go the allergy test route soon, as well.

    I def think a dietician is necessary.  Best of luck to you!! :)

     He lost weight from 12 months to 15 months.

  • They sell soy butter at Trader Joe's that tastes a lot like peanut butter. ?I send it to school for my kids b/c their school is nut free.
  • What kind of things does he eat?  I am on a dairy soy free diet (nursing an allergic baby.  AGAIN!) so this is my second year doing it.


    I eat:


    Oatmeal with raisins and rice milk
    Toast with Olive oil or PB (maybe not an option for you I know)
    Toast with Eggs (fried or boiled)
    Muffins (I bake)

    (I bake the bread for toast.  2 loaves at a time and freeze in slices)


    Pasta with tomato sauce (again we make this and freeze it)
    Soups - lentil, beans, vegetable. I don't eat meat but you could do meat obviously.
    Egg salad sandwich (eggs with vegetables and oil, vinegar)
    Baked potatoes from Wendys lol


    Dinner is easy. 
    Pasta/rice/polenta/quinoa/barley/potatoes (you can add oil to any of these.  Like I make garlic roasted mashed potatoes that you add oil to and don't taste is at all)
    Any veg (sautee for the fat)
    I only eat fish but obviously chicken, etc
    Falafel (make from scratch - it's v. easy)
    Indian food - (dal, aloo gobi)
    Pizza (I make dough and sauce.  I freeze the sauce in portions).  You can make a fake cheese from nutritional yeast.

    I know some of this sounds like things that kids won't eat but you might be surprised.  DS has mostly outgrown his allergies but when he started solids he ate most all that.

    If you google MSPI recipes you'll find more.

    I hope that helps a little.    IF it's just that he's not getting enough caloires I think you'll be able to remedy it pretty easily.  And if it's something more complex you'll conquer that too.  Best of luck.

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